By namehere34 - 29/12/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I found a diamond on the floor, which I could only assume was from one of my brother's cheap earrings. I was positive that it was fake. To prove it to myself, I ran it across my window, as they say only real diamonds cut glass. It's real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 479
You deserved it 42 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

borabora1991 0

Well, now you can sell it to pay for a new window. problem solved!

imperfectclarity 0

I still don't get why you would have done that...


Would someone care to explain to me why this is an FML?

He scratched his window bro, he probably got suicidal tendencies after this traumatic event.

xdrumkid101x 0

#77- I hope he DOES find a gun and tries to prove it's not loaded: one less idiot in the world.

Maybe, he just went wild and scratched up the whole window and he can't see clearly out of it now.

sparxva 12

Today I found a diamond big enough to cut glass. I sold it, bought a new window and then with the leftover money I bought myself a clue. Not an FML.

Dude, you found a diamond. Where's the fml? XD

ohhhhhhh noooooo you found a diamond! what ever will you do? ******* sell it and use the money to fix your window and the rest for whatever the **** else.

itsnowsinmexico 0

Why would you ever, ever, ever try it on a damn window. Go get a bottle out of the recycling, idiot.