By namehere34 - 29/12/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I found a diamond on the floor, which I could only assume was from one of my brother's cheap earrings. I was positive that it was fake. To prove it to myself, I ran it across my window, as they say only real diamonds cut glass. It's real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 479
You deserved it 42 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

borabora1991 0

Well, now you can sell it to pay for a new window. problem solved!

imperfectclarity 0

I still don't get why you would have done that...


rachelg6188 0

I don't get why your mad . U found a real diamond!! Be happy

Why FYL if you found a real diamond? And my fork could scratch glass, dumbie.

Fuzzymonkey2013 7

This isn't an FML!!! You found a diamond!!! Cash it and buy a window!

daxxbuttons 12

I'm sure everyone has already says, "BUT EVEN GLASS CUTS GLASS" So I'm just going to say, "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Stupid."

allisadawn91 8

Dude. You found a diamond. Wtf?

well you may have a scratched window, you now have enough money to fix it!

Uh..sell it and use some of the money to fix the window? I'm sure if it's real as you think, that's not an FML lol