By namehere34 - 29/12/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I found a diamond on the floor, which I could only assume was from one of my brother's cheap earrings. I was positive that it was fake. To prove it to myself, I ran it across my window, as they say only real diamonds cut glass. It's real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 479
You deserved it 42 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

borabora1991 0

Well, now you can sell it to pay for a new window. problem solved!

imperfectclarity 0

I still don't get why you would have done that...


On Mohs hardness scale, a diamond is a 10. Glass is about a 6-7. Cubic Zirconia, the most popular type of fake diamond, is usually made from glass (or it at least has a glass base). That's why most fake diamonds can't cut it. Plus, to the people saying to sell the diamond and use it to buy a new window, he'd be luckey to get 15% of what was paid for the diamond. Assuming he didn't find a giant chunk or one with very few flaws, he's not about to strike it rich. Anyway... OP, YDI for trying it on a window.

Uhhh, ever heard of "count your blessings?" You just found a ******* diamond, and you think you deserve an FML because you cut your window with it? YOU HAVE A ******* DIAMOND!

valuemeal2 1

Why is this an FML? Now you have a diamond.

Wow. You are quite silly! Purchase a new window with the money you just found! Congrats!

BurnIt2TheGround 0

congrats you now have a diamond an a scratched window

riseandshine_fml 0

why didn't you scratch glass from somewhere else? and why didn't you make a smaller scratch? fail

did you get that from the csi miami show you may now kill the bride? that was one of the experiments

Heeaaa 0

Errm, your life is awesome for finding a real diamond on the floor?

Get over it you found a diamond. Sell it and fix the window.