By anonymous - 08/01/2013 00:21 - United States

Today, I found a ring box in the pocket of my boyfriend's pants while doing laundry. I eagerly walked up to him knowing that it was an engagement ring, hoping that he would propose on the spot. He tossed it back to me and said, "Well you found it, I don't actually have to ask now, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 507
You deserved it 52 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you kind of deserved that, you spoiled his plans

I think OP does deserve it, she totally ruined his plans, she should have just put it back in the pocket and kept her mouth shut.


You're all over reacting.. An engagement is not a HUGE moment in the game of life. When their fighting over laundry he isn't going to say.. Remember when I proposed to you and you said yes, it was the happiest day of my life.. They both know.. She should put the ring on his dresser and wait for Valentines day like 1/2 of America;)

Aw, that's disappointing OP. Your boyfriend was probably disappointed that you found it as well, and likely had something awesome planned for you two. In my opinion you should have just left it and let it play out how HE wanted it to, but it's a little too late for that.

I can come up with absolutely no scenario once she found the ring box in which he wouldn't have found out, except putting it back in his pocket and not washing those pants, which, if she's doing all the laundry, would still give away that she knew about the ring. Sure, she might not have reacted the best way by asking him about it, but he certainly shouldn't have said what he did. This was his opportunity to either be romantic and ask her then and there, or to ask her to forget she saw the box if he had something planned. It doesn't have to be a surprise in order to be a romantic and memorable moment.

VampObsessed 16

Well it's your own fault! I mean, seriously? You should have put it back and not said a single word. He would have done it when he thought the time was right. You were being extremely inconsiderate. YDI

You ruined his proposal. You should have left it there.

Why didn't you just wait? You ruined anything he had planned. Wtg you are officially a debby downer. YDI for being an idiot.

mykelinva 4

You need to date the guy that wanted to do the scavenger hunt a couple of days ago. Sounds like you two are better suited for each other.

Everyone wants to bash OP for taking the ring to her boyfriend. Is there even a slight possibility that she thought he left it in his pants intentionally, knowing she would find it?