By anonymous - 08/01/2013 00:21 - United States

Today, I found a ring box in the pocket of my boyfriend's pants while doing laundry. I eagerly walked up to him knowing that it was an engagement ring, hoping that he would propose on the spot. He tossed it back to me and said, "Well you found it, I don't actually have to ask now, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 507
You deserved it 52 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you kind of deserved that, you spoiled his plans

I think OP does deserve it, she totally ruined his plans, she should have just put it back in the pocket and kept her mouth shut.


WHY??!?? would he leave something so important as an engagement ring in his LAUNDRY???!!??? Dumbass.

Be more patient! Why are you doing his laundry while he's lying on his behind??

vvlovesu 9

I agree you're not his wife..... Not yet anyway lol and your suppose to have him check his pockets before you start doing the laundry

My mom did my dad's laundry before they were married. I wouldn't have done it, but that doesn't give me the right to judge her for doing it. And how do you know he was sitting down?

I would have put it in his nightstand or something and not let him know I found it. nothing is less fun than someone ruining your surprise

aliciaanomalyyxo 12

Why did you take it?!?! You ruine it for yourself!

I can understand his reaction, he must have been pretty down-hearted if he had plans to do it romantically

Say "nope! Because I don't have to actually have to say yes right!?"

laoxo16 10

how the hell was he supposed to know you wanted that on the spot?

maybe she thought it was part of his plan

I would've been puzzled. Was I expeced to find it there? Was this a unique laundry proposal? I'd just put the ring on, go about my business, and see how long it took him to notice.

Fyl and ydi. I mean, odds are he wanted to surprise you, so you probably should have at least pretended that you didn't find it. That being said, just because you found the ring doesn't mean he can't still be romantic.