By anonymous - 08/01/2013 00:21 - United States

Today, I found a ring box in the pocket of my boyfriend's pants while doing laundry. I eagerly walked up to him knowing that it was an engagement ring, hoping that he would propose on the spot. He tossed it back to me and said, "Well you found it, I don't actually have to ask now, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 507
You deserved it 52 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you kind of deserved that, you spoiled his plans

I think OP does deserve it, she totally ruined his plans, she should have just put it back in the pocket and kept her mouth shut.


In real life it's not all gum drops and kittens OP. did you expect to be whisked away on a romantic interlude?

thelaxersvlog 9

He was probably mad because he wanted to propose to you in some way. He paid lots of money and wanted to make it special.

You should have left the laundry for the time being, easiest solution, everyone happy.

or maybe OP could have proposed to her bf and surprised him instead :D

A proposal is a huge deal and OP's stupidity totally ruined the moment. Considering he already had the ring didn't you stop and think for a moment that maybe he was going to propose in a special way? You totally deserved that reaction, proposing is thought of as a once in a lifetime deal and he wanted to make it special.. Sounds like he deserves someone a lot more patient and respectful.

Yes because if he had planned it oh so well and special he would have totally then forgotten he left the ring in his pants pocket and not have it hidden away in a spot his gf won't come across doing daily house work. Also have you not heard of people marrying more than once? proposing sometimes isn't a once in a lifetime thing. It's not OPs stupidity that ruined the moment. Nor was it entirely her bf's. His reaction though was stupid he could have easily just proposed or said look hun I have something amazing planned and even though you know about it now I still want to make it special. Instead he throws the ring back her and says he doesn't actually have to propose now. Her emotional response was one of happiness and excitement which clouded her judgement his wasn't (I don't know if he was angry upset or sarcastic so I won't comment on what his emotions were). So no he doesn't deserve someone a lot more patient and respectful and also OP doesn't deserve someone better either because they obviously love each other and they deserve each other even after these events.

I think that maybe OP's boyfriend was just completely shy about it, an now that he had an excuse not to actually proposed then he was pretty relieved.

She could have left it in the dresser and kept quiet about it. Yes it would have been glaringly obvious that she'd found it but this way she wouldn't have forced the proposal and the BF would have still been able to come up with something creative and romantic. She may have been put in an awkward position when she found the ring, but she went and put her BF in an even MORE awkward position when she confronted him about the ring. By confronting him about it, holding the ring, she had put her BF in a position where he had to propose and he may not have wanted to propose to her like that. They both made mistakes and they were both wrong.

kriziababy 9

Tons of wives find the rings first. He's an ass for not getting on his knees that second.

OP is an ass for backing him into a corner. He may have had something special planned. You are an ass for not considering all circumstances.

YDI for backing him into a corner OP. You put him in an extremely awkward position by confronting him with the ring. For all you knew, that ring may not even have been for you. Although what he said was harsh, and he shouldn't have left it in the pocket of his pants, you should have left it somewhere and kept quiet about it. You also deserve it for expecting him to propose on the spot. Haven't you ever heard the saying "no expectations means no disappointments?"