By anonymous - 08/01/2013 00:21 - United States

Today, I found a ring box in the pocket of my boyfriend's pants while doing laundry. I eagerly walked up to him knowing that it was an engagement ring, hoping that he would propose on the spot. He tossed it back to me and said, "Well you found it, I don't actually have to ask now, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 507
You deserved it 52 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you kind of deserved that, you spoiled his plans

I think OP does deserve it, she totally ruined his plans, she should have just put it back in the pocket and kept her mouth shut.


YDI, should've left it where you found it and waited. The least you could have done was act surprised. Way to ruin your boyfriend's plans...

RocketNinjaFish 12

39: I agree. She completely destroyed the moment. It was partly the boyfriends fault for not hiding it properly, but she shouldn't have approached him over it. By the way, nice picture! Pichu is so cute!

vencku 13

I was thinking that. If OP puts the ring aside, it's obvious she found it. And if she washes everything but those trousers (and leaves the ring), it's obvious too. With his reaction in hindsight, I'd have taken the ring out (without telling) and washed the trousers. Then see him panic.

Satoaoi 13

well he didn't ask and he gave the ring back meaning you can dump sorry behind and find someone who won't throw an engagement ring at you just because you found it before he could give it to U also the fact that he event said that means he's not worth it You can do better.

Full stops, periods, whatever you call them. Use them!

RocketNinjaFish 12

44: Please, learn to use punctuation.

Because getting a proposal after doing his laundry is totally a romantic start to the marriage, right? Sets the tone really.

countryrose92 23

At least they both know how the entire marriage is going to be now. She does the chores, he sits around and comments about how he is glad he doesn't have to do it any more. Hey! Maybe that's how he will announce the divorce too. Leaves the paper in his pockets, she finds them and approaches him, he says "well you found em, guess I don't have to talk to you about it now, would you mind signing those after you fold my jeans plz? Thanks babe" super awesome marriage about to happen.

Even though you found it you should of let him know you ruined it not just for yourself but for him as well, you should of had a little more patience I think it sounds more like a FML he should be writing not you.

I really don't see why so many people are getting on the OPs back. Sure she could have been patient but considering the circumstances and the way the bf reacted it's more his fault than hers. People are like well she ruined it because he probs had something planned. So what, if the bf had just asked her then and there she would have said yes and no one would be reading this FML. It's like this say I screw up a recipe for a cake but after cooking, it still comes out fine and tasting great then I didn't ruin it because I still got the end result I'm looking for, same goes for a marriage proposal if I planned something out but then did the stupid thing of leaving the engagement ring in my pocket and my gf then found it and came to me and gave it to me and then waited for me to propose I still would and if she then says yes guess what I am in no way going to care that any plans I had have fallen through I will just be happy the girl I love said yes. If she said no then I would be pissed and everything would be ruined because I didn't get the end result I wanted. Also if you think bout it the bf can totally use this to his advantage as well saying baby I had something big planned and blah blah blah which means she feels bad so she gives him whatever he wants to make it up to him.

Exactly. If this guy's made big plans, I'm surprised he over-looked the fact he'd left the ring in his pants pocket. Even if he was planning to do his own washing, why not just hide the ring rather than leave it lying around? As for "OP should have pretended to be surprised"... **** that. If I found an engagement ring I'd try my best to keep quiet but my excitement would show and I'd end up having to tell him I'd found it because he'd keep asking what I was so happy about. People need to back off and try to see it from OP's perspective. Honestly ¬.¬

Thank you! I really can't understand why people are so ready to lay blame on the OP.

OP basically backed him into a corner, so she deserves to get that reaction. Yes he was guilty of forgetting the leave the ring in a less conspicuous location but that doesn't mean she should confront him about it. She knew a proposal was coming, and if he hadn't asked her already it's obvious he was planning on making it special. Most guys do, and OP ruined any chances of that happening because of her impatience. It's well deserved.

Nope. sorry mandy skittles but OP didn't corner him she didn't say propose to me now or nything along those lines sure she was eager but there are a few ways the bf could have handled the situation without having to propose. Also you are under the assumption he had something big planned which when you really think about it if he did then he wouldn't have left the engagement ring in his pocket he would have planned out exactly where to put it because that is the first thing he would have planned. Yes she knew it was coming so she got overexcited and made the mistake of showing her bf she had found the ring but it was his mistake in the first place that lead to that and then he made the further mistake of making the comment he made. OP didn't deserve it so calm down and stop making it seem what she did was the worst thing in the world.

OP forced him into a situation where he had to propose and he may not have wanted to propose like that. Yes, he shouldn't have left his ring in his pants pocket but she should not have backed him into a corner like that.

He didn't have to, nobody has to do anything if they truly don't want too. Also all OP did was give him the ring in the hope he would propose to her she didn't say ok propose to me now or anything to that extent so he did have the option of saying no and telling her he has something special planned for the proposal since she already knows now she is getting proposed to.

97 - but she still put him in an awkward position by giving him the ring.

Oh god. That's not "awkward". What if OP can't contain her feelings. I tell my partner everything. Also, girls don't care about how they're asked. Boys care about how they do it. Every action has a consequence. He left it in his pants she found it. He has to deal with a consequence either way. Either he'll know she found it and put it back or somewhere else or she confronts him. Either way..mainly his fault.

Do you know women? really?? Of course girls love an elaborate proposal because it makes them the center of attention and gives them a good story to tell. YES SHE BACKED HIM INTO A CORNER by going to him with the ring. If she has it, it's obvious she knows what it's about and completely ruined the surprise and he can't do what he was planning on. That's what this is about, she ruined his moment to make it something special. Yes, he did act a bit childish but if he had something elaborate planned then I would be let down too. Her mistake was 100% intentional, his was a mistake any person could make. Considering it's an engagement ring his mind was likely on planning the proposal. if you go to all the trouble of planning something and somebody ruins it, it's understandable that OP's man was upset about it. She could have avoided the situation entirely.

YDI, you should've waited for the right moment... Maybe it would've been great. But FYL because that was a sucky Proposement.

shinychic_96 7

I'd be upset with you too, you could have waited and pretended to be surprised.