By anonymous - 08/01/2013 00:21 - United States

Today, I found a ring box in the pocket of my boyfriend's pants while doing laundry. I eagerly walked up to him knowing that it was an engagement ring, hoping that he would propose on the spot. He tossed it back to me and said, "Well you found it, I don't actually have to ask now, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 507
You deserved it 52 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you kind of deserved that, you spoiled his plans

I think OP does deserve it, she totally ruined his plans, she should have just put it back in the pocket and kept her mouth shut.


Feel free to tell him the answer us "No!" Now that he's proven himself to be an insensitive boob. (Yep. I said boob)

DjMonroe95 11

Should've left it in the pants

Good job on ruining a big moment! Should've just put it somewhere that he usually puts items that's hidden. Can't expect another reaction when you come at him like that!

Did you really expect him to ask you legitimately? You should've informed him you were going to be doing laundry and asked him to make sure he checked his pockets beforehand. You ruined his plans, so he was probably not too happy about you just nonchalantly walking up and announcing you found it. I wouldn't have asked you, either. YDI for being insensitive, OP. You should've put it back where you found it and let his plan take course. Your expectations revolved around your excitement & disregarded his.

NoahEibon 11

Wow way to ruin what could have been a wonderful suprise. You should have at least acted like you didn't know about it!

That was dumb and selfish of you to ruin his plans. You should have put it back in his jacket and pretend you hadn't seen it

jaytee1994 9

Why would you even think about ruining that!? Why not just put it back so he doesn't know that you know! You ruined the while surprise! I'd been pissed if my fiancé had done that! So ydi! Sorry.

reaper1718 7

Well you should of left it there & waited for him to find out it was missing... ****** yourself over