By Luna - 22/07/2012 02:30 - United States - Carmel

Today, I found a tick half-buried in my nipple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 699
You deserved it 3 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

I think you should get checked out for lime disease.....

I bet that really ticked you off..!... I got nothing... I like nipples.


Could be Lyme disease. U must go to a doc especially if u live in the mid west areas, or went hiking.

Living in a tick infested state I have to wonder, just how the he'll long it's been since you've looked at ur nips? To be half buried takes time, shoulda felt it before it got that deep! But yeah, that sucks, hope when you pulled it out you got the head so it doesn't get infected! FYL

Ick. Sorry. Go to the doctor asap and see if you need to get treated for LYME's Disease. (Antibiotics are pretty cheap for it.) The red target rash only shows up in 40% of people who have been bitten. I've had Lyme's 2x). If you have insurance, go to a specialist and get tested for tick-borne diseases such as rocky mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, etc. (This would be an 'Infectious Disease Specialist") They take blood from you, sometimes urine too, in certain cases. Don't drink for one/two days before the blood test. (Your liver function numbers will be off, I have done this and then got to go for a liver ultrasound when my doctor thought there was something seriously wrong with me - no, I just like beer... too much...) I do not go to a dr. every time a tick is found on me, but if the ticks burrow into you and stay under your skin for 24-48 hours, I would definitely have some tests done if you can afford it. The CDC has information on "tick borne diseases." I don't think we're allowed to post links but you can google it. Good Luck!

That grossed me out for some reason, you should get checked .

Now im traumatized! I cant even hug my dogs no more.

dougierocks 13

Well, if you do hug your dogs, wear a shirt!

With_Love929 3

Don't go in the forest they said. Don't go under trees they said. Well! You sure showed them!

jopear013 0