By religionbites621 - 22/11/2011 17:18 - United States

Today, I found Jesus. The bad news, he was in the form of a concrete statue falling on my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 562
You deserved it 3 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MattRoseen 12

The power of Christ compells you!

Mahomie123 0

Jesus is falling from the heavens.. lol


RedPillSucks 31

If you were looking for a sign... to stop smoking to stop using crack to go to church to see a good hooker to start using crack, and cigarettes I think you've got it.

chels1994 11

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there

"I saw the sign an it opened up my eyes I saw the sign!"Hahahahaha(:

jarredsj26 7

You should keep it and sell it for millions. Lmao

Too bad you can't sue God for damages. I mean, I really don't know. We can't ever know for sure. I'm agnostic.

bizarre_ftw 21

Jesus loves everyone!! Except you. :)

I would love to know how this happens.

MelCristian55 0

Haha jesus is falling from the sky ;) Maybe hes hinting you(:

clsgators 5

Too bad your car isn't made of water..... Jesus can walk on water