By religionbites621 - 22/11/2011 17:18 - United States

Today, I found Jesus. The bad news, he was in the form of a concrete statue falling on my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 562
You deserved it 3 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MattRoseen 12

The power of Christ compells you!

Mahomie123 0

Jesus is falling from the heavens.. lol


lordEast 6

At least you did some go their whole lives without finding god lol

kidtalk96 10

I think He is trying to tell you something

luvmerh8me 0

Can you sue Jesus or will it be during god if it is possible take heaven then turn it into private property and party everyday

It's prbly a sign that you should convert to Christianity ......

Just where was that car parked......................

perdix 29
nick268 4

That should teach you not to take his name in vein, and you thought your grandmother was making it up

DJEZON_fml 0

To bad there is NO GOD but there is a Yahweh lol ATHIESM ALL THE WAY