By CosmicJoke - 12/08/2009 14:20 - United States

Today, I found my car had been robbed. The thieves stole my GPS, my iPod and my digital camera. While I was filing the police report, the officer recommended I take photos for insurance purposes. Then she remembered my camera had been stolen. She actually started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 033
You deserved it 5 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

selling Gps Ipod and new digital camera!! cheap

It sucks that your stuff was stolen, but I can't really blame her for laughing =P


It's a receiver, not a transmitter. GPS doesn't need to send any signals, just do math based on the timing of the satellite signals, from which it can calculate their distance, and from that the position through trigonometry. If you have a device that can transmit as well (phone, for example), you can sometimes.track the location. Generally, you will have had to previously install a 'lost my phone' type of app.

YDI for keeping your valuables in the car

Yeah I wouldn't leave any of my valuable stuff in my NEVER That is kinda funny though, I would have laughed if I was the cop =P If the cops have a weird sense of humour, or are jerks, it's probably because they work the shittiest job in the world (well depending) and they need to deal with it somehow.

justmyluck1212 0

boy u sure keep ur car fully equipped with all the gizmo's

dcstream 0

I can see a lot of idiots saying the officer was wrong.

YDI for having an ipod in the first place. Seriously, what's wrong with a Zen Creative or any other mp3 player that is not made by apple and therefore 20% of the price?

Actually I picked up my 8GB nano up for a fraction of the price of an mp3 player with an equivalent specification. I admit Apple software sucks but their iPods are good prices and Apple are a good company to deal with customer services wise. My old iPod nano lasted over 3 years and they offered to clean up the circuits when it went through the washer if it needed it.

did you leave them in plane site for the robber to see? if so, you had it coming... and you should keep a disposible in the glove box for just such occasions so you can take pictures of accidents and what not.

The cop was laughing at her mistake. She sees this kind of shit ALL DAY. It's not as big of a deal to her. She's probably saving her bedside manor for rape victims and people who have been stabbed.

Well dumbass thats what you get for leaving expensive things in your car.