By CosmicJoke - 12/08/2009 14:20 - United States

Today, I found my car had been robbed. The thieves stole my GPS, my iPod and my digital camera. While I was filing the police report, the officer recommended I take photos for insurance purposes. Then she remembered my camera had been stolen. She actually started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 033
You deserved it 5 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

selling Gps Ipod and new digital camera!! cheap

It sucks that your stuff was stolen, but I can't really blame her for laughing =P


First FYL. Second: so someone walked up, pointed a gun at your car and the car handed over your belongings? You cannot rob a car, you can burglarize (enter without authorization) and commit a theft from a car. Why was that stuff in the car. I get out my backpack - laptop, camera, iPod, cellphone, etc . . . goes with me. Nothing to steal but the car. Take the minivan please! Ok enough bagging on you and back to FYL. Good luck with that.

CourtneyDanielle_fml 9

Meh. I would have laughed too. But really, don't leave that kind of stuff in your car. People can't leave well enough alone.

lovely997 0

wait are you in LR Arkansas? I remember something like this on the news.

Don't leave that stuff in your car. And even an empty mount for a GPS actually translates to- HI THERE IS A GPS HIDING IN THIS CAR, PLEASE STEAL ME! Take it with you when you go next time. I mean, what was an iPod doing in your car anyway?

cactus_fml 0

People listen to music when they drive... There are several ways to hook up your iPod to your car stereo. :)

If I leave valuble stuff in the car, I hide it. What have you learned? :D

How can people say she "deserved" to have her shit stolen just for leaving it in a car. Nobody deserves to have their stuff stolen, especially not for leaving in their OWN car. Plain sight or hidden, the stuff shouldn't be taken from them.

lol why would you leave them in the car..and i don't believe this fml.

newsgit 0

Ok, why is everyone saying it was her fault for getting robbed because she left stuff in the car? That's like saying is was her fault she got raped because she has a ******.