By CosmicJoke - 12/08/2009 14:20 - United States

Today, I found my car had been robbed. The thieves stole my GPS, my iPod and my digital camera. While I was filing the police report, the officer recommended I take photos for insurance purposes. Then she remembered my camera had been stolen. She actually started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 038
You deserved it 5 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

selling Gps Ipod and new digital camera!! cheap

It sucks that your stuff was stolen, but I can't really blame her for laughing =P


mehwhateverr 0

I don't get it. They want you to take a picture of things that are... already gone?

I actually don't think the cop is being a bitch or anything. It's kind of funny. Not that it got stolen, but that she forgot, etc. You're taking this way too seriously.

catherinee_ 0

that really sucks. one time, i was at the mall with some friends, and the kid who drove the car totally left the driver's door wide open for an entire hour while we were in the mall. thankfully, nothing had been stolen, but my cousin's gps was sitting right in the glove compartment. so i wouldn't say YDI for leaving valuables in the car, because sometimes you have to. You should be able to do that without your car getting broken in to. But if they were out in the open, then it is your fault. other than that, fyl.

anyone who says YDI for leaving the stuff in your car is a jerk. That's like blaming someone for having nice stuff when their house gets broken into. If your stuff is out of sight, how could it be your fault? My car just got broken into and everything got stolen. The door handle was pried off the door, the dashboard was destroyed, and all of my "non-stealable" stuff was thrown around the inside and outside of the car. No one deserves that. Especially someone who can't afford new stuff. Screw you guys for saying that.

That's an asinine comparison. No one but the trolls are blaming her for having nice stuff. They're blaming her for being an idiot and leaving stuff in her car. A car is a lot less secure than a house. Would you leave a surround sound stereo system in a car unattended? Would you leave your wallet on the dashboard unattended? No? Why? Because it might get snatched, that's why! Yet you do just that in a house. Hell, I've never heard of anyone stealing a house before... But there sure are a ton of car thefts. Use some bloody logic before replying.

wow, #55 got nothing to say about that, but still its stupid for leaving something valuable in a car, that can be easily rob, when your out of site

FYL for getting laughed at, that's really not professional. But YDI for leaving shit in the car.

To people saying it's her fault because she left her stuff in plain view, it might not have been. The robbers could've been after her car radio, airbags, or whatever, but decided to check the glove box or whatever first, and found her valuables. Or if they were after the spare tire in the trunk, her stuff could have been in there, and when the robbers saw the electronics, they took those instead. Her stuff could've easily been in plain view as well, I'm just pointing out that robbers like to take a lot of random things. When my dad's work didn't have well a secured parking lot, people would have their cars robbed of radios, airbags, hubcaps, anything (mind you, my dad works in a bit of a sketchy area...).