By CosmicJoke - 12/08/2009 14:20 - United States

Today, I found my car had been robbed. The thieves stole my GPS, my iPod and my digital camera. While I was filing the police report, the officer recommended I take photos for insurance purposes. Then she remembered my camera had been stolen. She actually started laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 038
You deserved it 5 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

selling Gps Ipod and new digital camera!! cheap

It sucks that your stuff was stolen, but I can't really blame her for laughing =P


Just FYI, your car was burglarized, not robbed. Burglary is when someone breaks in and steals something. Robbery involves a threat, usually with a deadly weapon. So unless someone held a knife to your car's engine or pointed a gun at the door while they broke in, it was burglarized.