By IAmACoolCat - 05/07/2011 16:41 - United States

Today, I found my dad using my bathroom. Why? Because he "had to take a crap" and didn't want to stink up his own bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 518
You deserved it 4 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I happen to be taking a crap right now

who pays for the bathroom? I think it is HIS bathroom....


tell him to stay away from the spicy food next time!!!!

my dad does the same (; but heyy at least i dont pay bills. :)

peachypinnaple 0

I hate to break it to you but all if the bathrooms are his bathroom. It's his house and he let's you live there.

mikaylaraymond 0

why qould you post something silly like this?

jallred254 4

umm it's fml. and fyi you dumb as shit

Says the one who says 'you' instead of 'you're' and doesn't capitalize.

jallred254 4

honest mistake but on the other hand no1 wuz talking to you and no gives a ****

I don't particularly care if no one was talking to me. It's FML; people can comment wherever they please so long as the comment is appropriate. No one cares? Tell that to the many Grammar Nazis of this site.

jallred254 4

I have to admit that that one was funny lol

jallred254 4

sucks to not have your own house right? you could shit in some other persons bathroom. your dad pays for that house. shut the **** up.

it's his house he can shit wherever he wants for as long as he wants

What the freak this post was on here a month ago