By IAmACoolCat - 05/07/2011 16:41 - United States

Today, I found my dad using my bathroom. Why? Because he "had to take a crap" and didn't want to stink up his own bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 518
You deserved it 4 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I happen to be taking a crap right now

who pays for the bathroom? I think it is HIS bathroom....


Khyle1396 0

Turn on the vent while you go. This kind of situation is normal for me. I don't see the problem.

jamrho3708 0

perks of owning the house! you'll take it out on your kids someday

galacticusmaximu 0

well duh! I wouldn't want to stink up my own bathroom either. it was either your bathroom or the neighbor's. I think he made the right choice

iloveparc 0

93, is ur sibling handicaped? or missing a body part?

It was probably in HIS house.. If I'm wrong then fyl op...

Chrispayne 4

First it is probably him paying for the bathroom not u. Second be glad thats all he was doing

My dad does that to me in the mornings right after he has his coffee. And I hate coffee. FYL OP, I feel your pain.

delaney4 0

my dad does the same thing!

XxThrasherxX 0

A man needs his clean bathroom...