By payne - 04/01/2010 21:07 - United States

Today, I found my daughter's brand new ipod touch. At the bottom of the washing machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 723
You deserved it 6 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

graciedacie 0

Why do they deserve it? Whaaaaat? (Speaking to those who hit YDI, of course.) Dang kids! ;)

she deserves it for not checking her pockets. and only fyl if you were the one who bought it for her which i'm assuming.


iankennedy17 0

#32, who checks their pockets you ask? everyone does! you're an idiot if you don't because shit like this can happen. who here checks their pockets before they wash ANYTHING?

Everyone saying that the mom shouldn't do her kid's laundry, my family washes all our clothes together. It's better for the environment and it saves money to have a full washing machine and dryer. So whoever has time does everyone's laundry--sometimes it's my mom, sometimes it's my dad, sometimes it's me, and sometimes it's my little sister. Whoever doesn't have a paper due the next day or a family trip to plan or a date to prepare for or whatever. It's not about age or anything, it's just whoever is available. Same with setting the table, making dinner, taking out the trash, it's a family responsibility, not that of one person. Maybe in this family the mom is a stay-at-home mom (which I believe mom-ing is a full time job) so she does the laundry. Maybe the daughter normally does the laundry but this time was on a school trip or whatever and so the mom emptied the dryer. We don't know the full situation, we can't judge.

How is this your FML? It's hers. Make her pay for another one (if she even wants another one, since she was so careless with this one). Don't make her actions affect your pocketbook!

but if OP paid for it that is $200 down the drain...

If the OP paid for it, it was a gift anyway and the daughter is screwed out of a gift. It's really no loss to the OP unless the OP pays for yet another phone without reimbursement from her daughter.

Aw that sucks ): my 12 year old cousin got one on Christmas and already lost it Probably too young to care for things like that.

it was your gift to her, and she should take care if her belongings. don't yell at her, just refuse to replace it. she probably is upset already, so tell her to save up for it herself. she will probably check her pockets now.

YDIall2suck 0

YDI for having a washing machine.

#69 are you stupid or something?! Everybody has a washing machine!! I bet even you have a washing machine!

this is exactly why I always say "check your back pockets" I've ducked so many things up because if the waching machine and not being careful.