By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 22:06 - United States

Today, I found my phone under the car seat after three days. I flipped it open ready to issue apologies to everyone who had tried to get in touch with me and I had worried. No missed calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 938
You deserved it 10 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blondebabycakes 0

unfortunate. maybe you should be a better friend...or at least get some good weed...then youll have lots of friends XFD


See had your phone not been missing and you hait on you for three days and the same happened you likely wouldn't have noticed.

peace1234_fml 0

ummm it would probably be the same for me. don't worry. you aren't alone. i kind of wish i WOULD lose my phone for a week or two.

dude no offence but get some friends or get a girl friend.

Rasnosaur 0

i don't see that big of a deal...go make some more friends or maybe you should reevaulate your importance in your friends

kristiiiene24 0

wow, i sure wish that my phone would last three whole days without losing it's battery and going dead if you 'were ready to flip it open right away' but anyways, that's okay unless you actually don't have any friends...then i guess you should get some. that's kinda a stupid fml though.

No big deal; nobody loves me either.

SSC_fml 0

Did they not instant message you either? Idk how this is an FML.. Atleast you don't run over your minutes?

hahaha that has happened to me before! i never get calls or texts on my cell ... i guess mostly bc i see my friends in person enough + some of them are just seriously busy. :)

Yep, we definitely need that new voting option of "Welcome to my world!"

Now if I found my lost phone and people had been worried because I hadn't returned their calls, my first thought would be "and you didn't think to email, IM, call the house, message on Facebook, or just ask if anyone else had seen me lately?" I can't imagine your friends being worried over a couple missed calls. It's just not a big deal.