By Julia - 26/02/2010 05:04 - United States

Today, I found out all the money my dad has been saving in the bank for me since birth has all been spent, by my mother who I haven't seen or talked to in about two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 521
You deserved it 1 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anonnamus 0

Ouch. How did she even get access?

Wow that sucks. I don't think anyone can truly think that you deserved this.


Please move heaven and earth to find yourself a lawyer who can help you with this. In the U.S., you might qualify for your county's Legal Aid services. Or you can call your State Bar Association and ask for a referral. They might have some other ideas for your situation, too.

your mom is a f****** c***, I hope she gets aressted!

Chocolate_Chunk 2

******* ****. See there? I diddn't censor it and nothing bad happened.

whatta bitch....I say u pay her a visit and not the nice kind!

Unless she had any legal right or access to it, you could sue for compensation. Alternatively, you could also make her life a living hell. Choices, choices...

I'm looking forward to the day I get to go 2 years without talking to my mom.. Toxic relationships FTW!

geoLa16 0

that a fucken bitch ass mom who the **** does she think she is 

disgruntledyouth 0

you should sue her or somehow commit identity theft by stealing one of her credit cards