By young grandpa - 17/06/2013 22:49 - United States - Statham

Today, I found out I'm going to be a grandfather. I'm 29, my son is 13 and the girl in question is 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 129
You deserved it 40 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jackasss_fml 14

Now if your grandson gets a child, you'll have done what takes most a century to do, in less than half. Congrats, future great grandpa!


dutch_girl13 20

How in the world did your son land a 16 year old? Sorry OP ur way too young to be a grandpa. And ur son waaaayyyy too young to be a father.

why didnt u teach ur kid to put on a damn CONDOM ! tell that chink to get a live get a guy older not ****** 13!!! is she dumb... SHE SHOULD BE ON BIRTH CONTROL, shit shes dumb .... sucks. Omg u had ur kid at 16 so young lol

MrZsDad 19

Instead of diapers at the baby shower people need to be buying the boy condoms.

beachbum561fla 14

While I do kind of agree with the whole "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" line of thought, I think people are placing too much blame on the father. Yes, I agree that he could have educated his son about safe sex and everything, but it's just as much the son's fault. My parents never gave me any sex talk really but I still knew better than to have sex at 13, especially unprotected sex. So yeah, YDI OP, but it's not all your fault.

flashback_fml 14

Your parents failed and you failed even worst wonder how bad your son will fail

He's just following your example... Sorry, but YDI.

You gave me one too, to yell this "FUCKTARD ALERT"