By Paige - 10/07/2013 14:18 - United Kingdom - Witham

Today, I found out my boyfriend regularly has his ex stay over. They even share a bed. He doesn't see a problem with this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 711
You deserved it 5 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Relax. They just talk about cute boys and gossip about girls they don't like.

Then there shouldn't be a problem dumping him. You deserve better OP.


My ex was the same way. She tried to tell me (and my mom actually said the same thing about herself...) that it's possible to be mature enough to not have sex with someone who's sleeping in your bed. Yeah every guy that slept in her bed had sex with her as well. I would be careful, and if they don't see what's wrong with this they will probably lie about things like mine as well. I would say get out, but it took me a year of being single to get away from my ex so I know how hard it can be. I wish you the best of luck though.

JayySkyline 15

He's not worth it. Cheating is morally wrong. You deserve better. I say FYL to him due to his idiocy.

I would have dumped him as soon as I found out!

your boyfriend? you need to make him your EX-boyfriend

Kick his ass to the curve baby girl. Cause there is no way you can lay in the same bed with someone you used to have intimate feelings emotional attachment and not do anything with them

My ex sleeps in the same bed with my girlfriend and me (we have a really small apartment and no couch). Nothing happens, besides them getting drunk and making out a few times. When my girlfriend has to work earlier than me, she leaves us in bed together until my alarm goes off. I guess it helps that we're all friends. My ex lives out of town and stays with us when she comes to visit her parents.

onorexveritas 23

I hope he's your ex boyfriend. I wonder if you'll have to explain that you won't let him stay over though

Break up with him. You'll appreciate it in the long run

Dump that loser, u can do a lot better:)