By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 18:19 - United States

Today, I found out my dad spent most of the $500 I earned from mowing lawns on an Xbox 360 for himself. He was the one who encouraged me to put the money in the bank for college and to learn responsibility. I'm 14 years old. He's 37. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 948
You deserved it 2 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See if it's possible to locate the receipt and return it. Otherwise, sell it and pocket the money.


for goodness sakes, I've seen fully grown, adult type people transpose your and you're, there, their, they're, to,too, and two, etc. you're picking on a 14 year old for not being able to do what an adult can't do? give me a break. I'm 57. and before anybody craps me about not capitalizing, my program doesn't do it. and I know my last two sentences began with conjunctions. so what. get a life and leave our up and coming teens alone.

Go to the bank and make sure that from now on, you're the only person with access to your account.

Sorry, but this is impossible until he turns 18. A minor can't open a bank account in their name (a miner can), a parent (or any adult really) has to do it for them.

My parents got fed up when I couldn't get cash out for gas (and whatever else I needed it for) from my savings, and we were able to take them off my account. I was 16. But you might need them present for that.

That us a LOAD of shit I'm 14 and ive had a bank account senice i was 10 and i CAN access it and all i had to do is walk into the bank with 2 pieces of ID that was it if you dont believe this GO ASK THE BANK ...i hate it when people tell people there too young to do shit. and thats not impossiable Pie is!

lfries90 0

Except people cannot have their own savings/checking account (without a parents name) until they are 17. I GUARENTEE one of your parents name is on your savings/checking account if you have one and you are 14 years of age in the US.

Well at least you know you won't turn out like him. Strive to be a better dad than your own one when your time comes.

idgafstfuuu 0

People like this should never have had children, what an asshole.

your dads young for having a 14 year old!! And my friends dad is like 50 or something and he still plays video games but he wouldn't spend her money on it. so...sorry sucks for you!

My dad is 39 and I'm 19. My mom is 40. People think we are sisters. Anyway. My parents wouldn't dare touch my money when I had an account as a minor. They would ask me if they could borrow money, and try to pay it back when they could.

steveman 0
tman118 0

I'm 16 and my dad is 107. whoop-de-do

Looks like your gonna have to mow a few more lawns for some games for your dad.