By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 18:19 - United States

Today, I found out my dad spent most of the $500 I earned from mowing lawns on an Xbox 360 for himself. He was the one who encouraged me to put the money in the bank for college and to learn responsibility. I'm 14 years old. He's 37. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 948
You deserved it 2 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See if it's possible to locate the receipt and return it. Otherwise, sell it and pocket the money.


WHOOOOH THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME EXCEPT IT WASNT A Xbox 360 it was a new tv and IM 14 and MY dad is 37 thats cool ....i wonder if our moms are the same age ... 32!

These situations are why it's not right for parents to have legal control over their minor's earnings. OP, YOU worked for the money and YOU earned it, not your dad. I'm disgusted that underage workers don't even have the right to the money they earn.

if he has MW2 tell him to add LAW MAKER835.

The lesson he was really teaching you is 'don't trust anybody, ever'.


AntiChrist7 0

What an idiot. He should have bought a PS3

Leave it to you people to argue about whether a 14 year old should be using the internet. I had been using my computer since i was 9, age doesn't determine maturity people. tsk tsk

audi00 0

now thats an fml... sry man that sux