By hustled - 24/08/2012 00:05 - Australia - Newcastle

Today, I found out my girlfriend is only with me because I'm a mechanic and I fix her constantly broken-down car for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 335
You deserved it 2 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Break up with her dude. She's not worth it.

mintcar 9

Mechanic boyfriends are so handy. Anyways, now that you know you're being used, it's time to let her go. Let's see how far she'll go without a car.


rreyes79 0

She gets her car fixed and you get sex. It's win-win.

yourmofo 6

I'm a mechanic but I'm lucky my gf pays for the parts.........and pays me back for the labor in food and sexy time.

Charge a sex fee. At least you get something out of the relationship. Every time you have to fix the car, you get 30 mins of sexy time.

noisebox 1

Yeah but does she at least crank your shaft and grease your dip stick?

cubbi54 6

Sugar in the gas tank....then dump her!

FirebirdF350 7

Sugar in the gas tank does not do anything. Now, if you really want to screw up an engine drain the radiator and put some oil in the gas, seizing and over hearing the engine all at once

charge that bitch for all the work you've done