By fouryearswasted - 19/12/2010 05:14 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend of four years is legally married to a man in prison. He gets out next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 916
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, he's prolly used to butt sex with men. maybe you can work out some sort of love triangle.


varkey 7

RUN. Cut all ties with her. FYL.

yusaku02 20

eh, finders keepers. I'm sure if you tell him to just go away then he will :)

Hmmm... Now this is a sticky situation. So, she has been with you for four years but is legally married to someone. Have you ever considered the fact that they may be married but she has moved on when he went into jail and is happy with you now? Ask her why she hasn't divorced him yet.

my advice? relocate to another state. otherwise, you're screwed.

lemonypower 6

Well, seeing how he is in prison he might take some violent action...... Maybe suggest a threesome?

DUMP HER!!! She has been hiding a freaking marriage from u?!?! How dumb can u be to not know that ur gf of four years is married?!?!?! Leave her before she leaves u.

iliveinthesky_fml 0

be prepared to get your ass fuc— I mean kicked. ;-)