By fouryearswasted - 19/12/2010 05:14 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend of four years is legally married to a man in prison. He gets out next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 916
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, he's prolly used to butt sex with men. maybe you can work out some sort of love triangle.


before the week is over RUN AWAY very far like to mixico once there change your name to pablo and live the rest of your life there

you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man?

who knows maybe he went gay in prison you may still live through this maybe..... lol

if ur lucky he'll b a repeat offender and go back to Jail in a week!

trackstar16 0

damn some of you ppl are fuuuuucked up.

Idk..even if a crazed ex-con wasnt coming to kill and/or rape you I'd still break up with the chick for lying to you for 4 years. Just saying. Your life isnt ******, just live and learn and find someone better.

fjretsel 1

good. now you can have a threesome. I think he wants to show you a few things he learnt in prison.