By fouryearswasted - 19/12/2010 05:14 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend of four years is legally married to a man in prison. He gets out next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 916
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, he's prolly used to butt sex with men. maybe you can work out some sort of love triangle.


The "prison clause" is a bitch but I bet they have one hell of a reunion.

Korro 8

your all heart. thanks for filling the void for her. charity beautiful thing,, who's nexed

hahaha thanks you just cleared the air for a comment whom is otherwise making no logic(:

justbigbs 6

at lest she not your wife too, that would be a total fyl

just dump her dude. she's lied to you the whole four years so what else is she lying about to you

Fuknmetalchick 0

Screw her a few more times then pack up and RUN!

haha you shoulda found out ahead of time, its going to suck for you when he is out :P get ready for a ****-meat Sandwhich !

RUN. Or pray to God that he didn't go to jail for violence of any sort. If he didn't, then just try to explain that you had no idea & weren't told about him. If he's a violent man... Seriously, RUN. Run fast, & lay low for a while. Change your phone number in case the guy checks his wife's phone.