By fouryearswasted - 19/12/2010 05:14 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend of four years is legally married to a man in prison. He gets out next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 916
You deserved it 3 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, he's prolly used to butt sex with men. maybe you can work out some sort of love triangle.


hkgirl89 8

Hmmm something you've apparently never done. . . .

VivaLaCobra22 0

21- That was extremely uncalled for. FYL OP, your gf should have told you this a long time ago.

mrbobmarley4 8

I think it's time to start packing. RIGHT NOW ! a make sure there is nothing at all left at her house ! otherwise your screwed ,

Does she plan on making a go of the marriage? She may be estranged from him and just never bothered to divorce. I would still be a little upset she'd kept such a large detail of her life a secret for four years but it's forgiveable since many people are ashamed of that sort of thing. If she hasn't been regularly visiting or writing him, he may be well aware his marriage is over. You don't mention why he was in or for how long. If he was locked away for ten and you've only been with her four, it's not like you stole her away. If she goes back to him, FYL. If she stays with you, judge her by her actions from this point on.

^This!!^ also, OP I'd recommend sitting down with her and have her explain how the relationship with her husband is, if it's ended wether it was amicable or not . let her explain why she didn't tell you about it. Then decide wether you really wasted 4 years of your time, you obviously care.

robc32ca 4

what's he in for??? you may need to disappear for a little while!

cheerleader_111 0

that sucks! I'd move if I were you!

sourgirl101 28

Hey, I found out that this look of guys wearing their pants hanging down showing their boxers comes from prison. It's for easy access to butt sex. So the next time you see some one that looks like they need a belt, let them know what their look means.

wwerulez14 6

Really Sour? Hmm.. I know a lot of people that do that. *imagining the looks on their faces as I tell them* That is sounding to be REALLY awesome. >:]

effyoubitch 5

Nope. What she said really is true. It started in prison.

22cute 17

Ooo so sorry. You have been used. This is a good reason for more intimate talk.