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By Anonymous - 29/12/2011 22:06 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend starts fights with me over text because apparently, when I'm arguing with someone, I stop speaking in "annoying shorthand" and am grammatically correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 172
You deserved it 38 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend sounds like the kind of girl I'd like, were I not gay.

She's right. Shorthand like that is annoying. Itz rly annoyn 2 c dis wen u cn easili typ prprly n d same amt f tym.


Surely OP means when she texts her boyfriend. Well hopefully he doesn't speak "text-language" like a 13 year old who just got their first phone. " OMG lol lmao idk abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz wtf"

SobrietyKills 14
KissMyFurryAss 10

My boyfriend does that. But I'm not that much of a bitch.

ppl who rite shorthand r annoyin. Omg they drive me crayz. If u no any1 who dos kill zem pls! Im begin u plzzzzz. Urg it drives me insne.

Dustbunny - you're just proving my point. Thank you for your support.

coocoocachoo2 2

Im on the fence with this one...its ur fault for using shorthand all the time thats apperently annoying to ur gf, but that WAS a bitchy move on her part.....idk, I guess FYL and YDI....sry dude

AvikC818 8

Ppl dat txt lyk dis piss me off. I often wonder how they passed elementary school

thatdesertdude 7

She is correct. Most phones these days have a full qwerty keyboard, predictive text and auto correct. It drives me nuts when my family members use shorthand when texting or chatting on Facebook. I know all of them use smartphones, so there is no excuse for using shorthand, its just laziness. Another thing that I hate is when people write without using any kind of punctuation at all and they write extremely long sentences like this would it kill you to insert a damn comma in there somwhere if your going to be typing a full blown novel of a text message?

*you're if YOU'RE going to be a dick, do it right (:

"If YOU'RE going to be a dick, do it right. (:" Don't be a corrective asshole if you aren't going to be correct yourself. You missed capitalizing the first letter of a sentence and the period at the end of the same sentence.

thatdesertdude 7

Yes, your are correct, I'm guilty of the "your" and "you're" mistakes myself. Also "its" and "it's". But I don't bitch about those mistakes, we all make them. But that was not my point, I was talking about the use of shorthand, and VERY basic punctuation. I'm not a grammar Nazi, I don't point out the mistakes in texts that are sent to me, because I make them too.

thatdesertdude 7

I am also surprised that you caught my grammatical error, but didn't mention that I misspelled "somewhere" as "somwhere". Anyway, I have a cold, I feel the need to pop a couple pills and then drink some vodka. Goodnight.

thatdesertdude 7

Why do we care? Because I have seen people write in shorthand when they should NOT be using it. I didn't know what to say when a person in my project group (in college) asked if it would be ok to use shorthand in her project notes, because it would supposedly take less time to type. Lack of using full words gives people the impression that you are lazy, or that your brain is stuck in the 9th grade.