By Anonymous - 29/12/2011 22:06 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend starts fights with me over text because apparently, when I'm arguing with someone, I stop speaking in "annoying shorthand" and am grammatically correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 171
You deserved it 38 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend sounds like the kind of girl I'd like, were I not gay.

She's right. Shorthand like that is annoying. Itz rly annoyn 2 c dis wen u cn easili typ prprly n d same amt f tym.


Why in the name of god forsaken hell is your girlfriend not on here?

Maybe you should be less annoying then OP. Jus' sayin'

flockz 19

op- "lol so i wuz bigfoot huntin 2day wen...." gf-"shut up. you are so stupid!!" op- "bitch, please." gf- "oh my gawd you used a comma."

GoW_Chick 14

I don't blame her! Text grammar is the worse... Learn how to type correctly It's not that hard

GoW_Chick 14

Damn I messed up my comment. *sits in the corner of shame*

GoW_Chick 14

Really no shit Sherlock I already figured out I made a dumbass comment if you just look ^up^ you would have noticed that.

mfazi456 7

A simple typo is ok to me. Everyone makes mistakes. Tlkin lyk tis rlly anois mi.

Mr25_fml 14

The period only comes once a month. -.-

bobbycorwen 5

Did you do that on purpose? Match your name with your comment number, Mr. Wizard? He said correct 'grammar,' not correct 'punctuation.'

I am a self confessed grammar-Nazi, but I don't bother with the final period in a paragraph. Unless of course, I'm writing an essay or something similar. Otherwise, why bother? It's not like you're getting marked

Am I the only one expecting a post soon "Today, my boyfriend found out that I start fights over text so he'll use correct grammar instead of txt!in lyk dis. FML."?

bri1215 7

nope i figured that was coming up soon

perdix 29

Ur gf wants u 2 rite good all the thyme. Quit b-ing la-Z & rite gud, so she don't hafta pick fightz w/ u.

perdix 29

Girls find proper English very sexy. Show them you've mastered the colon, and they'll let you into theirs. This is why grammar Nazis are anal.

Perdix, what does one get when one masters the semicolon?

perdix 29

You can toss her salad. This is a big motivator to continue your studies of grammar.

What's this? An explanation and not a demonstration? Tsk tsk And there's nothing wrong with grammar Nazis being a little anal. Now I know why Bugs Bunny always made a left turn at Albuquerque.

How do you know it's sexy perdix? Personal experience? ;)

flockz 19

i don't know where this conversation is going, but i'm going to plaster my ass on this couch until i see where it goes. hold on, let me get my half gallon of lotion and extra absorbant deer hide shammy. this is going to be messy.

mimeshadow 1

You, sir, are so right. To be able to write in complete grammatically correct sentences is a complete turn on because its a sign that that person is smart. Or at least paid attention in class.

perdix 29

#46, maybe you ought to check your box. Who knew that perdix' grammar course had a lab portion, but only for the sexy girls? ;) #50. Oh, yeah... I once went out with a girl who spoke in run-on sentences. Guess how I corrected her, heh-heh-heh.

Ozone1232 5

It's funny because it's true.

You urinated in her bed and left claiming to have been too sweaty?