By smashleighfig - 08/03/2010 05:14 - France

Today, I found out my husband of 10 years has a online blog. Excited to read about myself, I began skimming, only to find out that every entry is him explaining how he let his "soulmate" walk away 9 years ago because of his "previous commitment" and how he regrets it every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 111
You deserved it 3 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you know exactly how he feels. If you really want to hurt him, tell him your "lost soulmate" was well hung.

I could never stay with a man who doesn't think of me as his soulmate. to be referred to as a 'previous commitment' and not 'dear wife'. to be regretted as a choice. I'd rather be alone.


Well why don't you leave his sorry @$$ and let him go after his "soulmate" alone.

Actually, you should take to him about it. All he remembers about her are the good things. If he had chosen her, then he would have figured out all her imperfections and annoyances, and he would want to be with you. Ask him about it, and see what he has to say, then go from there.

Flutist 3

People on here are stupid, Op. You didn't know and now you have to let him go. You deserve better. You are not at fault but if he still regrets it nine years later and won't talk to you about it, then you are not important to him. You deserve to be important. I am sorry it will hurt. But you need to be strong.

You talk too much. F your boyfriends life.

ydi for being nosy and reading the blog.

emily420 0

that's sad that he let her walk away:( you shouldn't mention that you saw it tho.

topbanana 0

well this can go two ways: 1rst if he didn't tell you about it and you found it, then you should not hav been snooping around his stuff. 2nd then again you have a right to know and he's a jerk FYL

Flutist 3

He happens to enjoy conversations where people think their comments through and put some thought into it

amazinggbaby 2

@61 what sacrafice? he married her first an found his soulmate after. in my opinion, he should have stopped after he was with his wife.

lotusflower007 0

I hope that you leave him. I could never stay in a relationship (kids or not) if I found out that.

you poor thing! why did he stay with you if he wants someone else? these days! /:< FYL, OP!