By Anonymous - 28/02/2012 18:20 - United States

Today, I found out my roommate had mistaken my toothbrush for his dog's. So for the last month he's been using my toothbrush on his dog. The dog's favorite meal? Fresh cat poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 311
You deserved it 2 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bettyc4 26

Dirty mouth? Clean it up with Orbit!

K_kanaka 26

Dirty mouth? Clean it with, Orbit.


Why does every one blame the roomie? It was an honest mistake... Even though it totally sucked for OP.

Steel_BZ 8

Soo he keeps his dogs toothbrush in the toothbrush holder with yours?? That's just stupid & gross AF.

Why does every one blame the roomie? It was an honest mistake... Even though it totally sucked for OP.

You'd better put some baking soda on that damn shit. Hahaha! No? Okay then...

Oh that hot ;) nothing better than fresh cat poop breath ;)

Mr_Que_Dijo23 5

Reminds me of Air Bud.. Ahh great times great times

tdawg4200 0

Pretty sure they put Airbud down.

i voted "you deserved it" i didnt really think you did but 68 other people already had.

dtemple1110 6

You know, dog's mouths are cleaner than humans, and all dogs eat poop... sooo... shouldn't you be more grossed out by your own mouth touching the toothbrush?

ah, the fine delicacy of kittie-cookies.. ew. lol

I've got it all figured out.... se your room mate is actually trying to get you to move out by adapting the "crap on your neighbors doorstep every night" trick to " use his toothbrush to clean the cat pop from my dog's mouth" trick.... classic! your room mate is a genius!