By morgan_love11 - 05/06/2010 00:07 - United States

Today, I found out my sister has a nickname for me due to my recent breakouts. It's "volcano face". FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 363
You deserved it 4 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh boy, nobody should be made fun of for acne. all I can say is to try and keep your face clean, I guess.

and I guess it's not your fault. try nutregena rapid clear acne gel. it works so well! it may sting, but they go away!


vivalacobraxo 0

does your face erupt pimple goo all over the place? ew.

rawrimadinosour 0

Ha Ha Volcano Face! That made me crack up! But that's messed up though. Sorry OP. Take care of your valcanos try not to explode them. Lol

MoJoThundRpants 0

Take solace in knowing that your face will clear up, but she will have that personality forever.

rawrimadinosour 0

little kids are like that xD just tell her there's a ghost in her roomnd show her a scary movie, she will never bother you again. That's what I do to my niece

bruslywrestler 0

Just fart on her pillow till she she gets pink eye then laugh at her for having it. btw do people really think there is such a thing as karma.... lol

At least now you have a science fair project. ;x