By brokeandalone - 21/11/2011 02:05 - United States

Today, I found out my wife has been bribing my daughter to keep quiet about her affair with my boss. That would explain the iPhone 4S, the $500 shoes, the $200 purse, and the professional $300 haircut. They told me it was because she had straight A's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 387
You deserved it 4 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mr40Hands 5

Wtf, all I get for straight A's is a new basketball...

That's just wrong, I feel so sorry for you, FYL


...So straight A's get her over $1,000 worth of things? Damn, she must be spoiled. That would probably explain why she has no sense of decency. When I get straight A's, I get told I'm a good kid and nothing more.

black_martin 1

Divorce your wife and disown your daughter! Your wife was no good, and the product of you and your wife turned out to be just as shitty...

I am curious as to how you finally found out about your wife's affair. Did your daughter spill the beans, despite your wife's attempts to keep her quiet? If so, your kid's a keeper. When you got this kind of dirt on someone, the best course of action is blackmail then backstabbing. In that order. :)

KentuckyRebel92 8
demon_865 7

Be proud of your kid for ripping what she could outta that bitch

Your daughter is a lying bitch too, sorry OP

davidkx125253 0
PiperLovesYou 0

Your Life Sucks, Why Didn't You Question This Though?

awesomelikethat 0

First of all: no fair! All I get for As is a good job from my rents or candy. Second: divorce your wife and take all the money and house leave the other two to fend for Themselves