By brokeandalone - 21/11/2011 02:05 - United States

Today, I found out my wife has been bribing my daughter to keep quiet about her affair with my boss. That would explain the iPhone 4S, the $500 shoes, the $200 purse, and the professional $300 haircut. They told me it was because she had straight A's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 387
You deserved it 4 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mr40Hands 5

Wtf, all I get for straight A's is a new basketball...

That's just wrong, I feel so sorry for you, FYL


Divorce the wife, but first take all the daughter's blackmail-loot and donate it to charity.

I say that we let people get rewarded the way they do and live our own lives it's pointless to try to change someone's life it doesn't effect you

zann_05 4

I will not comment on my thoughts about your wife and daughter. Even in this no one wants to hear slurs about the ones they love. My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry you had to experiance something like that.

blackman100 20

Sounds like a wrecked family that needs an entire year of counseling to me. That just blows for you dude.

iMagzzzy 0

Take her for all shes got, but she's a woman, so there won't be much.

give the iPhone 4S to a poor person, the shoes to a person without anything to wear, the purse to an old lady. nothing you can really do about the haircut unless you really want to be crazy and make her shave her head off. then leave non- chalant like.

herpitydurteedur 0

I haven't been through all of the comments around here, but most of the ones I actually make it to are you getting buried +_+ I'll have to check once I get on an actual computer :P but still. Hurray!

All I get for straight A's is the privilege to play xbox again lolwtf

Nana523 1

Any child would love their parents equally no matter what they would not allow that knot to break apart not even for iPhone4S, 300 dollar hair cut, 200 dollar shoes or 500 dollars of what ever. Feel really sorry for you not only did you lose your wife but consider that you have lost your child to the Benjamin's . **** your life and start a new one from scratch.