By brokeandalone - 21/11/2011 02:05 - United States

Today, I found out my wife has been bribing my daughter to keep quiet about her affair with my boss. That would explain the iPhone 4S, the $500 shoes, the $200 purse, and the professional $300 haircut. They told me it was because she had straight A's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 387
You deserved it 4 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mr40Hands 5

Wtf, all I get for straight A's is a new basketball...

That's just wrong, I feel so sorry for you, FYL


the daughter probably doesnt want to be the one who tells you. you didnt tell her age.

tell them you are going to buy a pack of cookies, then never come back

What a piece of shit, you deserve better OP

That's a horrible thing for someone to do.

All I get for an average of 100 in two classes and 98 in the others is the privilege to play my Xbox....

Ciela 22