By Suunflower_14 - 26/08/2013 21:18 - United States - Gilbert

Today, I found out someone has a crush on me. Normally I'd be fine with this, if it weren't for that fact that this guy informed me that he has collected pictures of me since the third grade. I'm turning 23 in two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 586
You deserved it 3 081

Suunflower_14 tells us more.

Suunflower_14 8

Just wanted to confirm some questions here. I'm gonna be getting a restraining order here soon. He still tries to talk me at work (we work at the same coffee shop, what a coincidence) and I do my best to ignore him. He creeps me out actually very much so and he constantly is bugging me. The guy is weird, but in a way I feel bad for him because he's always been an outcast and doesn't really understand how to have friends. Anyways, I should be starting my college classes soon too so I can focus on school and not so much... Him.. Too bad he's probably a kidnapper. Thanks for the... lovely comments guys.

Top comments

Get a restraining order asap. That is beyond creepy.

This sounds like a plot perfect for Criminal Minds.


Does he have facial deformities? First thing I thought was you have your very own Phantom of the Opera on your hands.

ummm you look a bit familiar.....are you that guy from catfish ???? lol

Beepbeep7 14

20 how in the hell can she sue him for that? It is not illegal to take pictures of for the restraining order,in some states you are required to have documented cases of why you are requesting one and then it is granted or denied at the judges discretion.

CharresBarkrey 15

It IS illegal to take pictures of someone without their consent. Why in the world would you think it's not?

He might not have personally taken the pictures. Newer ones could easily be taken from OP's Facebook page and older ones, maybe cut out from yearbooks or something.

TheDrifter 23

Actually it's only illegal if the pictures are in a private place. Facebook pictures collected and photos taken in public places aren't illegal. Now if they're telephoto shots through her bathroom window she has a case.

Holy_Schnikes 23

I don't know about OP's state but all I had to do to get mine was write a letter to the judge stating I feared for my life because... and listed reasons. Then I received one for a year and was told after that I could get another year when it was up or get a five year.

I am not sure thats called a crush anymore .....

ninjuh_wingman 29

This has to be the most dedicated stalker ever.

It would be sort of cute if he was your childhood friend, but from the sounds of it that isn't the case. You could try giving it a shot as he clearly cares for you, just be careful of how obsessive he is.

cookie1207 19

You are full of yourself! Stop ! Itts probably the other way around and you just want the attention