By Suunflower_14 - 26/08/2013 21:18 - United States - Gilbert

Today, I found out someone has a crush on me. Normally I'd be fine with this, if it weren't for that fact that this guy informed me that he has collected pictures of me since the third grade. I'm turning 23 in two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 586
You deserved it 3 081

Suunflower_14 tells us more.

Suunflower_14 8

Just wanted to confirm some questions here. I'm gonna be getting a restraining order here soon. He still tries to talk me at work (we work at the same coffee shop, what a coincidence) and I do my best to ignore him. He creeps me out actually very much so and he constantly is bugging me. The guy is weird, but in a way I feel bad for him because he's always been an outcast and doesn't really understand how to have friends. Anyways, I should be starting my college classes soon too so I can focus on school and not so much... Him.. Too bad he's probably a kidnapper. Thanks for the... lovely comments guys.

Top comments

Get a restraining order asap. That is beyond creepy.

This sounds like a plot perfect for Criminal Minds.


Isa_fml 20
TheyCallMeDamien 17

Most things in an extremes are creepy. I held onto a picture of you, cute. I have an entire portfolio of you, creepy.

incognito1520 20
Suunflower_14 8

Just wanted to confirm some questions here. I'm gonna be getting a restraining order here soon. He still tries to talk me at work (we work at the same coffee shop, what a coincidence) and I do my best to ignore him. He creeps me out actually very much so and he constantly is bugging me. The guy is weird, but in a way I feel bad for him because he's always been an outcast and doesn't really understand how to have friends. Anyways, I should be starting my college classes soon too so I can focus on school and not so much... Him.. Too bad he's probably a kidnapper. Thanks for the... lovely comments guys.

It's good that you're doing something about it. Kudos to you!

wow, you're terrible. obviously he has problems, do you have to make them even worse? you're going to get a restraining order? do you want this guy to kill himself?! his blood will be on your hands. just tell him that you're not interested and that will be the end of it.

Yes because stalkers always listen to reason and logic.

If he was to kill himself It wouldn't be her fault because she didn't tell him or help him kill his self a

jillian2296 11

obviously she cant just tell him she isnt interest if he has been taking pictures of her since the 3rd grade?

Sure it will be the end of it. NOT. There have been several documented cases similar to this. When the victim tells the stalker they are not interested, what has happened is that either the stalker has ignored them or, if they are sufficiently ill, will sometimes even resort to abduction.

FarFromSocial 9
pinchepriscyla 9

Careful, you could just make the crazy stalker turn into the next Ted Bundy

NeatNit, what the **** is wrong with you?

raenaladean 2

So true. There's actually a show called Stalkers and this sounds wry similar to one of the cases on there. Luckily they caught him before he hurt her physically. When she told him to stop he threatened to kill her and her family and stuff. Very scary.

Wow, what a douche you are, 86... you do realize that someone with that severe of an illness usually doesn't know to listen to reason, right? He is obviously ill, and blaming the OP for what happens after she goes the proper, legal route is on this creep, not her. and guilting get like this is just going to put more stress on her, and make the situation worse

Just to know, If O happen to be a crazy mental stalker of you and have slight mental problems, specifically after stalking, would you put down with that?

mrsnugglefunny 10

Even if he's been collecting photos all his life of you even that that's creepy as hell, but he sounds unstable and he might possibly become sucidal after the restraing order, try to get along with him but make it clear that you don't want to date him/Im that creepy guyto alot of girls i would know.......

You still need to talk with him and maybe help to find another woman in his life tell him you are not interested but would be willing to help him find a woman who is

You couldn't be more wrong. If someone commits suicide, it is NOT the fault of someone else; it certainly wouldn't be OP's fault for protecting herself through legal means. What a horrible thing to say!

OP, why not give him a chance? Clearly, this guy loves you, is dedicated to you, and loyal, considering he's been at it since 3rd grade?

wingedangel123 8

#117 That's a tad too much dedication there though.

So what? My previous post (which was deleted, apparently) was made with the same idea in mind as 117. You didn't give him a chance. He's just shy. He never hurt you. He never sold your pictures or anything (doesn't sound like he did at least). He just really likes you. Is it a crime to be shy and in love? He took your pictures because he likes to look at you, that's it. It took him this long to build up the courage, does that make him a kidnapper?! That's how I see it at least.

I'm with #118 it's nice when he just likes you but he had pictures that's ****** creepy.

He works at your coffee shop!? Wow he's dedicated, lmao! FYL and good luck.

Well, you gave him some time to adjust and he didn't. That's all that matters.

This sounds like a plot perfect for Criminal Minds.

That's what I was thinking. Scary shit. FYL OP. Hope you get it sorted out!!

NSN82 13

Something similar happened to my cousin once except the stalker photoshopped herself into all of my cousin's pictures. She left a folder with all the pictures in it on my cousin's desk at school. Some people are just weird...

Like #78 said! Perfect plot for criminal minds! I want to audition for part as the creepy stalker though... :P

lunaluver666 7

I want to audition for the part for Reid's girlfriend!

.... AKWARD .... Her action bugs me, did she know your cousin well, were the friends, did he know she was interested in him? Was there a build-up to her deed? in other words: how do you go from 'fellow-student' to 'the creep'???

That is really the most creepy thing ever.