By Suunflower_14 - 26/08/2013 21:18 - United States - Gilbert

Today, I found out someone has a crush on me. Normally I'd be fine with this, if it weren't for that fact that this guy informed me that he has collected pictures of me since the third grade. I'm turning 23 in two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 582
You deserved it 3 078

Suunflower_14 tells us more.

Suunflower_14 8

Just wanted to confirm some questions here. I'm gonna be getting a restraining order here soon. He still tries to talk me at work (we work at the same coffee shop, what a coincidence) and I do my best to ignore him. He creeps me out actually very much so and he constantly is bugging me. The guy is weird, but in a way I feel bad for him because he's always been an outcast and doesn't really understand how to have friends. Anyways, I should be starting my college classes soon too so I can focus on school and not so much... Him.. Too bad he's probably a kidnapper. Thanks for the... lovely comments guys.

Top comments

Get a restraining order asap. That is beyond creepy.

This sounds like a plot perfect for Criminal Minds.


Sounds like he has an almost completely crippling social awkwardness. Is he potentially dangerous? The author here knows better than I. But she should take care not to overrate the creep factor. I mean if he hasn't done anything for 20 years...what are the odds he will?

hasn't done anything for roughly 11 years. not 20. you're not in third grade at the age of 3

#93 have you never watched Criminal Minds? All it takes is a trigger and he's on a murdering spree. Which somehow always excel in frequency. Duh !

Beepbeep7 14

41 53 is correct.the only way it is illegal is if she is in a private place such as inside her residence or something of that do NOT have to have consent to take them.

I think that a person will change over the years. Both are still young. Doesn't mean during school days no one wants to befriend with him means he is weird or crazy. Maybe other people gang up not to befriend him n spread rumors about him. Who knows, maybe at his 28 he is a good looking person n a good personality guy. Tell him you are not interested in him but wouldn't mind to know him better as a friend. Everyone deserve a chance.

So he may have Aspergers. Maybe you should at least get to know him before calling him a creep.

How old is he? I feel like even though it would be extremely creepy either way, it could be some what less if he were the same age as you. if he's older......ew.

You talk to the weird kid once then, BOOM! Stalked for life..

circlelranch69 1

RESTRAINING ORDER asap. Tell him Do not contact me infront of 2 witnesses. Dude is ****** up at the least

fukre 3

you r in danger girl....RUN.....