By dust - 27/01/2012 06:54 - Japan

Today, I found out that due to the fact that I got divorced, the insurance for my car is going up. A year after she took everything, she is still costing me money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 001
You deserved it 3 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

The good ol' 50/50 split. She gets everything you have, you get everything you can afford from the duvorce forward, minus child support and alimony, while she never works again. Great system isn't it?

What's hers is hers, and what's yours is also hers. Take solace in the fact that she's no longer in your life.


I'm 16 and I know that when you get divorced car insurance goes up... YDI

It goes up because you're just a young driver, and with teenagers, insurance rates WILL INCREASE. AND there is a MAJOR age difference between you, the 16 year old, and OP. Don't compare. Geez, I don't drive and I know more than you...

**** **** ****! Ignore above comment!!!!

Ergayles 9

63, Op deserved to have his insurance go up because he didn't know that it was going to go up? How on earth does that make sense?

cyK0tek 0

"I have ****! Give me free stuff!" "I have a penis! Blame me for everything!!"

123jdub 7

I just have to say #3. you said it all. very broken system

Your comment makes no sense. Get off the roids and go back to school!

pandabacon243 0
mama2b3 20

This may be a fyl or you might really deserve this. There's two sides to every story, we'll really never know.

aron666 25

That's why you don't need a wife. Just get layed and be free