By dust - 27/01/2012 06:54 - Japan

Today, I found out that due to the fact that I got divorced, the insurance for my car is going up. A year after she took everything, she is still costing me money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 001
You deserved it 3 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

The good ol' 50/50 split. She gets everything you have, you get everything you can afford from the duvorce forward, minus child support and alimony, while she never works again. Great system isn't it?

What's hers is hers, and what's yours is also hers. Take solace in the fact that she's no longer in your life.


Fo sho. Have to keep your stuff safe from crazy women.

Sadly there Is always a way around a prenup, that is if the have children

Why are divorces so expensive? Because they are worth it.

47: maybe where you are from! But where I'm from, a prenup protects what ever you want it to say... You decide with a lawyer before the marriage. Also 1: prenups are very overrated just like divorce! Not everyone believes in divorces so not everyone gets a prenup. Maybe OP thought that they would be together forever and in reality she turned out to be a lesbian. Who know the situation. It's not always the shortest quickest answer that is correct.

Jakesterk96 8

Lol, read this fml in a Japanese accent.

Jakesterk96 8

The guy lives in japan and it's funny reading this FML like that.

TheDrifter 23

The good ol' 50/50 split. She gets everything you have, you get everything you can afford from the duvorce forward, minus child support and alimony, while she never works again. Great system isn't it?

sierra142 19

For men that cheat and abandon their wives it's brilliant. I speak from experience.

Sometimes it's the woman's fault... but she still gets everything. Cos she's a bitch, and the law is a bigger bitch.

Thabb 0

26- uh, you realize the woman can do that too right? And they still get everything.

lebronesque73091 12

71- Yeah, people don't seem to realize that women are sometimes the reason for the divorce. And they still get everything, smh.

Im a girl and i have always hated that law. Why should sombody have to lose eveything because of some stupid marriage and divorce? Its a horrible double standard D:< the man and woman should be able to keep what he or she worked hard for >: peh!

surfnshred 2

That sucks bro. Tell that bitch to pay the difference.

keyboo 0

I wouldn't pay the difference if I wasn't on the policy he may have a bad driving record you never know

Why should she pay the difference? He got a lower rate for being married. If he never had gotten married it would have been higher anyway.

You should find a way to by back at her. Like you could dog shit in her yard for every dollar she costs you. Maybe not that harsh just something since its coming out of your pocket anyway :P

Sorry for the grammatical errors I'm on my iPod

Worst excuse ever. iPod has autocorrect, and even if it's not on it's called double checking. Not calling you out on the mistakes but that excuse was just awful.

Well if your gonna be an ass about a simple mistake how the **** do I delete it?

Should have signed a prenuptial agreement

To me a prenup is like expecting the marriage to fail.

No, it's being realistic. Or you can not sign one and end up like this guy! ^^

But a prenup wont help in this situation. The insurance company is charging a higher premium because he is now divorced. Majority of insurers see single males a greater insurance risk than females. But because a female driver was listed on the policy the premium is lower. A prenup agreement will not cover differences in insurances. Only the division of what both parties own. Hope that makes sense to you all

What's hers is hers, and what's yours is also hers. Take solace in the fact that she's no longer in your life.

skyeyez9 24

I enlarged your profile pic. I was wondering if it is a patient of yours? If so, did he/she survive? That's a nasty head wound.

skyeyez9 24

Just read your blog for the first time.....which answered my above question.

You can never underestimate the power of a woman. They're scary