By jobless - 16/05/2012 07:36 - United States - Groton

Today, I found out that I am allergic to grass, and not supposed to mow lawns. My job is mowing lawns. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 060
You deserved it 2 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loserboii 11

How did you not find this out earlier?

Nose mask, protective eyewear and lots of Zertec or Clariton for you my friend. The other choice is to learn the following phrase: "Would you like fries with that?" Good luck


Then take a lot of Claritin or some kind of prescribed allergy medication.

Drigr, your picture is perfect for the above comment. Wipes proud tears from eyes.

fernclogger 5

Dude charmander knows ember...

lorenzoman77 7

Awww, that really sucks OP, it could be worse, you could be allergic to the sun. It sucks>.< I hope everything gets better OP!

lorenzoman77 7

How about the chipandale life style? The ladies love that.

I thought everyone was allergic to grass? That's why we all get itchy but damn I didn't know it could get serious!!

dtemple1110 6