By hellnooo - 15/08/2009 23:06 - United States
Same thing different taste
Tis the season to be jolly
By littl3storm - 23/12/2020 15:59 - United Kingdom
By DamnMyOvaries - 02/05/2017 17:00 - United States - Groves
By Anonymous - 22/11/2009 04:12 - United States
By soccerscout7 - 08/02/2011 12:48
By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States
By shitttyyyday - 14/01/2012 07:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 22:08 - United States - Marsing
By Anonymous - 08/08/2015 02:16 - United States - Dayton
By LamingtonSalad - 02/08/2022 18:00
By FuckYouMotherNature - 07/08/2013 06:51 - United States - Merced
Top comments
Dude, you're the only one here who was even thinking of Twilight. Also, I'm assuming you're male because seeing menstrual blood IS a bit different from seeing someone bleeding from a wound. There's less of it, it's thicker, and sometimes, (get this), it can be chunky. :/ So yeah. It's pretty different from your average blood.
I got mine when I was 12. Its no big deal. And its from your own body so its different.
To people spouting about getting your first period at 16: It's normal to get it any time before you turn 23. Different people's hormones work differently and/or take longer to become prevalent or matured enough. It just means that she'll probably go through menopause a few years later. To the OP: Just don't dwell on it. The more you think about being scared of blood, the worse it's going to be. My advice to you is to get a biology or physiology book and acquaint yourself with what blood actually is. A bit nerdy, I know. But what once you understand exactly what blood is, it won't freak you out as much.
well if it makes you feel better, most of that isn't actually blood... it's flesh. Peeling off from inside you. yeah.
Well actually some veins do rupture during your period and about 3 ounces of blood pours out of you with the 'flesh' and mucus and all that natural but nasty looking stuff.
@ 62 WHAT THE HELL veins do NOT rupture in you when you get your period you dipshit. If that happened you would more than likely go into hypovolaemic shock and die from internal bleeding. What a stupid thing to say... A period is the shedding of the lining of your uterus because you don't need it if you don't have a baby to support in it! Jesus Christ...
Uhhhh....actually it has been scientifically proven women can endure pain better than men...partially due to the fact that babies come out of their vaginas. I imagine it would be like having a golf or ping-pong ball coming out of our penis. So yeah...FAIL for you...
This was to Pimpin88 but his comment disappeared
@#93 No, it wouldn't be like having a golf ball come out of a penis. Vaginas are designed to stretch and allow babies to come out. It is said that a man passing a kidney stone even the size of a large marble is as painful as, if not more painful than, childbirth.
Most vaginas tear during childbirth. Even though something is "designed" to do something, doesn't mean it isn't going to hurt like jesusfuckingchristholyshitgodwhymewhygodohmyfuckinggodpleasekillme.
@#228 I didn't say it doesn't hurt. Just not as much as a golfball for a guy.
But how would you know? I mean, you said earlier that you don't know, so you can't assume. Just like I don't know and can't assume, either. This is where it would suck to be a doctor (Scrubs ref)
@#238 True, you have a good point. I'm just basin this off what I've read from studies, and stuff.
@#245 Which I never argued with. Obviously childbirth hurts more than a kick to the balls, only an idiot would argue with that. If you truly have had a child, then you've definitely been through more pain than I ever have and I respect you for it. But to say it hurts as much as a golfball coming out of a penis is, in my opinion, incorrect.
Well, now see I got to thinking about this a little more, and possibly I may agree with you, because I thought about it... things in the ****** normally feel good, while things in the urethra... do not, to put it plainly. There are some kinksters though....
You seem to be stalking me... I'm honored =D
birth control doesnt stop your period, it regulates it, pig.
@#126 Some types of birth control can completely stop a period, at least for some women, bitch.
Yeah, but some of those methods cause cystic fibrosis which makes the bleeding worse. And birth control (pill or IUD) doesn't always work properly. In some cases, it just permanently damages the woman's uterus or causes extended or even continuous periods.
You get used to it! Use tampons, you don't even have to deal with the blood, you only see it when you take it out. Also, there are birth controls that stop you from having periods, including IUDs and pills.

haven't you seen blood before you turned 16?
periods suck >:(