By hellnooo - 15/08/2009 23:06 - United States

Today, I found out that I puke and then pass out at the sight of blood. I am a 16 year old girl expecting hundreds of periods to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 092
You deserved it 7 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haven't you seen blood before you turned 16?

alice_xoxo 0


To GeekFairy... FHL? Shit, if I was 16 and still period free, I'd be kissing Mother Nature's ass! You are an idiot. To the OP, take it as a good opportunity to go on a BC option that keeps you period free. You'll skip the periods, lower your chance of pregnancy and certain cancers. Good luck!

You're not the first woman ever to be disgusted of blood.

apparently, blood makes you spell things the wrong way too

Actually they spelled "Site" right. They just used the wrong form of the word: Site and sight. You might want to think about that one. It's shocking; I know. OP: You are a lucky, lucky girl. I would envy not having my period until the age of sixteen. I got it when I was twelve. It sucks like a bitch, but period blood is different than regular blood (because technically it's just the lining of the uterus, but I'm not gonna get into a whole biology lesson here). I still kind of get grossed out by it too. I say FYL, but you'll get used to it.

Lol OP. I think it sucks more that you're 16 and you can't correctly distinguish between the words "sight" and "site". Oh well, perhaps you were trying to type too fast... Either way I agree with the people who say to go on Birth Control. It will pretty much solve that problem and many others.

UnicornsDoExist 0

dude. i wish i could do that but my mom wont let me go on birth control.

ha I laughed. but YDI for just not being able to cope with a natural process:(!

theshinepolice 0

though there is truth to your comment, you never had to cope, and never will. so i guess its a lot easier for you to say "YDI" and you might have said a different comment if you were not male.

doubleAbattery 0

Oh, and pimpin88. Have you ever had a period? Because until you know the agony of it, do not say that men are better at enduring pain. I've had my toe split open to the bone and no tears fell. Broken thumb? Not a drop. But once a month TOM (Time Of Month) comes to visit, and I'm doubled over on the floor gritting my teeth and sobbing until I either puke or pass out from the pain. So don't say that I can't endure pain.

Since his comment keeps disappearing on me, I'll just piggyback yours. I think it has been proven that women are actually psychologically stronger than men, which would make sense considering the shit we have had to go through. Nah, I'm not only talking about the stunts our hormones pull and childbirth stuff, but also back in the days where it was okay to rape and beat your wife whenever you felt like it, we basically had to raise the children on our own, along with take care of the house and many of the other chores surrounding our general home area, being told what to do and when to do it without being allowed to argue.... many other things. Naturally, it would make sense that we just built up a resistance to psychological damage, and certain forms of physical damage, or at least some way to ignore it/get over it quickly. Think of a cat: they seem to get pissed off pretty easy, but at the same time they seem to bounce right back from it. They also seemingly feel pain for only a little while, but in reality are thinking "FUUUUUUCK" (obviously, not literally, but you see what I mean). But I couldn't immediately cite that. Most likely I've seen it on TV, or in school. Lucky me, my period cramps aren't really so bad I actually pass out, or cry. Damn!

OP: The "blood" you're seeing isn't actually blood. It's just nutrients that a baby would need. So while it is still disgusting, don't worry about it. You aren't going to die of blood loss, even if it appears that way. Hang in there. I know it sucks, but it gets easier. pimpin 88: If men are more tolerant of pain than women, how come when a guy gets kicked or otherwise hit in the balls, they usually collapse, turn red, and remain in the fetal position for at least five minutes? That's occasional pain, associated only with somebody else hurting you. When women get their periods, it happens like clockwork, lasts for days, and can't be avoided easily. I obviously don't know for sure, but I like to compare having a period to the feeling of getting kicked in the balls... but it lasts for a week (and often longer). It's also accompanied by nausea, mood swings, disgusting bathroom trips every few hours, and lots of other lovely things. Also, once you've experienced the pain of child birth, please come back and share your opinions about which sex has a greater tolerance for pain.

@#94 I highly doubt that periods hurt just as much as a kick to the balls. If you've never been kicked in the testicles, don't make a comparison, just as since I've never had a period, I won't make a comparison. However I will make some objective observations. When a woman has a period, rarely are they unable to walk and do daily tasks, though I know there are extreme cases. I've had a shot to the balls (a water bottle; that asshole definitely got payback) where the only thing I could think of for the next half hour or so was the pain, and I could hardly move or talk. And I have a very high tolerance for pain.

Well, what I think they meant is that, take that kick to the balls, the pain you felt, and stretch it for five days. While the pain IS reduced, it does last longer, and it can be very uncomfortable. Actually, it's not "rare" that a woman is in too much pain/too uncomfortable to do a daily task, it's actually quite common. And of course, there are a lot of other things that come along with it, and the overall experience can easily detract from the ability to accomplish a daily task. However, luckily, we have pills for at least the cramps, and then some to reduce the experience all together. You do not. So it sucks to be you, too.

@#229 Now that I read it again that makes sense. But I consider not being able to do daily tasks as being curled up on the ground crying. In my experience and from what I've heard/learned/read this happens to a small percentage of women.

@#241 Like I said, neither of us has the knowledge to say either way, but again I'm pretty sure getting hit in the nuts hurts much worse, and also happens more frequently than either of the things you mentioned. I can stand a straight kick to the mouth and laugh it off, but a well placed kick to the balls will send me to the floor. Unless you've given childbirth or been in some horrible accident I doubt you can even imagine how much it hurts.

You ******* pussy, fudrick. 'Nonononono, being kicked hurts SO MUCH MORE than anything you lot go through! It's AGONY! I can't MOVE FOR HALF AN HOUR! *wail*' Before I went on birth control my periods were so bad I slept on the bathroom floor for 2 days and nights every month, moaned and cried the whole time, twitched a lot, and occasionally got up to vomit from the pain, have a bit of diarrhoea, and then pass out again. And I am under no illusions that my experience was anywhere near as bad as, say, childbirth. Quit yer bitchin'.

@#266 You ******* moron, please actually read my comments. I said that in no way do I think it hurts worse than childbirth, or even close, and I have a great deal of respect for women who have been through childbirth because they have been through more pain in a few hours than I've been in my entire life, combined. And I also stated that I realize there are very extreme cases of periods in which the pain is very intense, like your situation. That sucks that you went through that. But most women don't have cramps that bad as I'm sure you know. So to say the average period cramps hurt as much as getting kicked in the balls is ignorant.

mastory96 0

Jesus Christ. I got mine when I was 11. and yes, period blood IS sometimes chunky. now that we've made all the immature 13 year old boys reading the commets out of curiosity for the female body grossed out, I think our job is done. :)

Haha I'm 16 years old, aiming to be a doctor, and understand exactly what period blood is and i get wierded out by this. MMMMM chunky period blood...Kinda makes you hungry for cranberry sauce doesn't it? *shudders*

boatkicker 4

Yeah. that's definately the worst part about having a period is the occasional clotting. Well the cramps are bad too, but I only get them bad if I have caffiene....... otherwise they're pretty mild and tolerable, most of the time.

Itsmedumbass 0

That sucks. You might wanna get over that.