By cowgurl91 - 13/01/2010 21:40 - France

Today, I found out that my boyfriend was going to propose to me about three months ago. I was completely surprised and asked why he didn't. At that time, I had told him to stop looking at me like that and go buy me some damn tacos. I was 2 months pregnant then. Now he wants to wait a couple of years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 262
You deserved it 42 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can you blame him for not asking to marry you when you're being rude to him like that? It looks like it hit him hard because he still remembers what you said to him. It's nice to see you guys have a pretty good line of communication, but I wouldn't hold this against him. All the thought was there. If it bums you out so much, maybe you should be the one asking him to marry you.

Sun_Kissed18 25

She said pregnant, not civilized


He doesn't need to buy the cow now that he has slipped through the fence and impregnated it. But maybe if you be a good little cow, he'll give you the ultimate acknowledgment that a man can give a woman and ask you to be his wife. Then you'll be successful as a woman. (much sarcasm)

wow, after reading this I no longer have to wonder if there are any decent men left. All of them are pieces of shit who do not deserve the privilege of having any woman much less having one give birth to their children. all you "men", be glad your mother didn't know what she was growing those nine months because if she did you might not be here. assholes!

shut the **** up! You are a sexist bitch who doesn't deserve to live

No, why don't YOU shut the **** up ? I agree with her; most guys have NO idea what we go through, being kicked in the balls is a MUCH lesser pain than giving birth. If you can't handle your girlfriend through pregnancy, then stay the hell out of her way. Get her girlfriends all around her to try and cheer her up, tell her you love her etc. When you're pregnant, half the time, your confidence is ebbing away, because you think you're fat etc. So don't sit there and judge if you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I suppose you'd know right? You seem to speak from experience... Do you have balls? Or have you been pregnant? Both? What are you some sort of fe/male hybrid?

No. I've never been pregnant, and I certaintly don't intend to for quite a few years. And oh, please. I should have figured someone would have pulled the 'Oh, you must have balls' manouver. Two words; Grow up. No, to answer your question, I DON'T have balls, but I'm pretty sure that having the bones inside and around your ****** stretching, and widening hurts a lot more than a few minutes of pain from getting hit in the nuts. Women can be in labour for HOURS, I think that beats a few minutes of pain that guys get. & yes, I think EVERYONE knows that labour usually hurts more than being hit in the balls. Please, next time, try to grow a brain and realise, you're not funny. You're sad. & if I did have balls? They'd be damn bigger than yours. :]

Yeah they would, you're such a dick you'd be kicked in them so much they'd be the size of oranges. Also. you seem to overly agressive in your respones, do you have an issue with people on the internet thinking you're wrong.

Yeah they would, you're such a dick you'd be kicked in them so much they'd be the size of oranges. Also. you seem to overly agressive in your respones, do you have an issue with people on the internet thinking you're wrong.

Oh, right, I'M the dick, yet you're the one cracking jokes on whether or not I have balls? Plus the fact I'm defending my opinion? Right, because that makes me SUCH a dick! Also. That second sentence didn't even make sense. PS; I'd like to know how I'm percieved as a dick, when you're the one who said, "I suppose you'd know right? You seem to speak from experience... Do you have balls? Or have you been pregnant? Both? What are you some sort of fe/male hybrid?". Okay, because that isn't hurtful in any way, shape or form. I was maybe seeming agressive because I was rather offended by being called a man, just because I stated a fact that I hoped that most people knew. Apparantly not, so excuse me while I go and try not to be a dick anymore. :]

Ok, you're excused. Also. That period was meant to be a comma. It's not too hard to work that out by looking at your keyboard, you seem to lack intuition.

I seriously can't even be arsed with you right now. Do whatever, I don't care anymore. :]

I didn't care to begin with. See, I've beaten the will out of you. Now onto the next victim.

some_girl9 8

Just because you're two months pregnant doesn't make it okay for you to be such a bitch. I've known a number of pregnant women in my life, and I've never once heard any of them be so rude. YDI, bitch. I hope he dumps your fat ass.

the only people with a ******* right to make a judgement on this should have either given birth or currently be pregnant. the rest of you dumbasses have zero idea what your talking about. while plenty of you might know many "lovely

stop being inconsiderate, i have never been pregnant but the pain and anger and irritability you face makes you act differently, stop being dicks! all i know is when my period is heavy i am an angry ass bitch who does mean shit she doesnt mean, now imagine carrying something inside yur stomach that kicks you, morning sickness, less sleep, more weight on your knees,..... god think people...

bagel12 0

uhhhm; wow, and u still like himm.?

Ok, what the **** is wrong with you? What is with the crazy typing? What is with the weird pseudo-screaming voice otherwise known as Caps. Why do you seem so cordial now after a crazy post?

Are you talking to me ? If so I use caps for emphasis not screaming or whatever and I use "!" for emphasis too. If I was yelling or whatever trust me youd know....

I don't see how I'd know, unless you are very, very loud. There's no way for you to show screaming and yeling when you already burned your ! and CAPS cards.

O.K....Suree i didnt know when i signed up for this site id be critisized for speaking my mind. IT SAID COMMENT ! I was being respectful when i commented etc. And id like if you didnt curse....... Please....... Sorry if my comment made you mad.

Don't apologise for voicing your opinion. You're entitled to one. :] Also, no matter how much you ask, no-one will ever fully stop cursing on this website, or in RL. &&, as far as I've seen, you've been pretty respectful. Unlike SOME people. >.> (You know who you are.)

God this place is pathetic. No one is willing to raise ire. Forget it. I'm out.

Lol, whatever. Coming from you who 'didn't care'?

Yea.... I've seen that people will even cuss you out even if you are like 10 or whatever. Yea I think u have been VERY respectful compared to some people...

arijonesbby 3

haha that's funny ( not ruining your engagement ) but the whole taco thing. that is definitely something a pregnant women would say.

ash92_fml 0

lol at least he still plans on being with you for the next few years! win?! hah

As a female i feel i can clearly state that while it is possible how you act towards other people while pregnant or PMSing, does not mean you can control how you feel. havne't you ever slipped and said something in a snappy tone or given a dirty look to someon you actually care about when your angry? its the same thing. completly unintentional. but tacos, damn.. thats just funny.