By cowgurl91 - 13/01/2010 21:40 - France

Today, I found out that my boyfriend was going to propose to me about three months ago. I was completely surprised and asked why he didn't. At that time, I had told him to stop looking at me like that and go buy me some damn tacos. I was 2 months pregnant then. Now he wants to wait a couple of years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 262
You deserved it 42 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can you blame him for not asking to marry you when you're being rude to him like that? It looks like it hit him hard because he still remembers what you said to him. It's nice to see you guys have a pretty good line of communication, but I wouldn't hold this against him. All the thought was there. If it bums you out so much, maybe you should be the one asking him to marry you.

Sun_Kissed18 25

She said pregnant, not civilized


I bet if the OP was a guy 98% of all people who have posted paragraph long comments on this FML denouncing the would-be fiance's behavior would side with the fiance. "Today, I found out my gf didn't propose to me because I told her to get me some damn tacos." 99% of comments: "You douchebag! YDI! I hope you walk your fatass into oncoming traffic."

lol aww thats really sad and unfortunately very funny hahaha but i think u should totally bring him some tacos and propose to him ;D

Not being peaches and cream is understandable... being a bitch is not. If a girl was getting ready to tell his boyfriend "I love you," or "I'm pregnant" while they were out to eat and he had a headache.... and he interrupted her and said "Stop staring at me and get me a damn taco," would you think that would be okay? I hope not.

This guy isn't worth it. He was probably already reconsidering marrying you even before you snapped. I'm going to look at it as you were having one of those days, and you were just like "get me a damn taco!" If your boyfriend really loved you for who you were, this wouldn't have bothered him. It sounds like he was just making excuses. I'm not saying you were right to do that, I don't even know how you said it. But look people, we can't be perfect all the time. My fiance and I understand each other more than most people. He has told me to "get in the kitchen and make him a damn sandwich" and I did it, and I made the most delicious sandwich. I didn't do it because he controls me, I did it because I wanted to and he was hungry. And I have been in those moods "get me a damn taco" and he would get it for me. We're only human beings, what's a relationship without honesty and respect? For those of you guys who are saying "I would have dumped your ass right there" well, it's no wonder you're single. She didn't go on a rampage or tear his things apart or hit him, she was just stating a fact in a demanding way. If she bitches like this all the time, then I can see why he would reconsider. But reconsidering over one measly comment? That's just sad and childish.

realggirl 0

Woohoo! I was YDI number 10,000! :)

Okay...unless you're on bed-rest for your entire pregnancy, you should have gotten your ass up and fetched the tacos yourself. At two months pregnant, there's no reason you shouldn't be doing things for yourself. 8 or 9 months when you're ballooned up, having Braxton Hick's, and can't fit your swollen feet into shoes...THEN you can complain. I can understand being hormonal and occasionally saying things you regret later. We all say things we regret, even those of us who aren't pregnant or PMSing. But snapping that you want "damn tacos" when you could have easily gotten your not-yet-swollen self off the couch and gotten yourself a taco...that's just stupid. Unless you really and truly CANNOT get yourself on your feet, don't ask people to play fetch. And unless that man is a totally spineless weakling, you HAVE to have nagged him incessantly to push him to the point of putting off marriage for a few more years. A one-time, simple, hormone-driven "I want *expletive* tacos" certainly isn't enough to put off most reasonable men. Also, if this truly did take place today and not some time in the past (you do have to start an FML with "today), that would make you about five months along. If you truly expected him to fetch you tacos at only two months, I'm guessing you're also going to expect him to apply salve to your nipples, rub your feet, help you get dressed, and spoon-feed you for the rest of your pregnancy. God, I really do detest women who think pregnancy means they should be treated like queens. Unless you're unable to do tasks for yourself, do them on your own...don't expect hubby to wipe your ass for you just because you're carrying his child.

Wow someone sounds bitter. There's a lot of things that can be wrong with women in the early stages of pregnancy that make them feel like not getting up and going out. She could have had morning sickness and be feeling very weak from not keeping anything down, or have had previous miscarriages and been told to be taking it easy. I'm pretty sure most guys don't mind running around for their partners if they're carrying their child for 9 months and then giving birth. Get a life.

wow asshole, lets see u pop out a ****** kid first, before u start talkin abt shit u know nothin abt. from the moment of ****** conception, a woman has to sacrifice her lifestyle and her body for NINE ******* MONTHS and then she's stuck with that kid for the rest of her life thereafter. and i'm sorry, what exactly does the sperm donor do during these nine months? GET A WOMAN A ******* TACO....ya thats the least u could do prick...

My best friend had a child almost a year ago and she did NOT sit around and demand that her husband and family members wait on her hand and foot. She got her own food, did her own housework, and took care of herself. If she wasn't feeling well or wasn't otherwise capable (which did happen during her last month), she politely informed them so that they and she could work out the situation. She didn't cuss at them and demand they take care of her. She handled the situation like a mature pregnant women who knew how to control herself and her raging hormones. I plan on having a child in a few years, and I will NOT expect my man to wait on me. I won't bitch at him every time I feel a bit moody, and I certainly won't demand that he bring me food if I'm perfectly capable of getting the food for myself. I'll ask him POLITELY if he could fetch me something while he's in the kitchen or if he's already going out to get food, but I won't expect him to worship the ground I walk on simply because his sperm connected with my egg. A woman doesn't HAVE to sacrifice her lifestyle because she is pregnant, unless it is deemed medically unwise. Your average pregnant woman can still walk around and have a relatively normal life until the latest stages of pregnancy (minus alcohol and smoking and whatnot, plus some doctor's appointments and prenatal supplements, of course). She does not have to sit around the house and expect everyone to bend to her every whim. The father of the child SHOULD help her out, but he shouldn't be forced or nagged into it. Using "oh, I'm just moody because I'm pregnant" is no excuse. No, a pregnant woman cannot control her hormones and what they do to her. But she can certainly make an attempt to be a civil, reasonable human being during those nine months, and take a few seconds to think on what she might say before the words exit her mouth. If you'd actually READ what I wrote, you'd know that I did say that unless she was on bed rest or couldn't otherwise get things for herself, she should have done her own work. I did mention the possibility that she wasn't physically capable. Thank you for being selectively literate. And gee, thanks for both being complete pricks to me. It really REALLY showcases your maturity (or your lack thereof).

Yes, you say now, that's what you'll do. I guarantee when the time comes, and you have your own child, things will turn out differently. Nothing goes as planned. However, when the time does come, good luck. :]

Your friend isn't actually representative of all pregnant women and their experiences. You don't get put on bed rest for morning sickness or water retention , and both are can be pretty debilitating and there are plenty of other things that can go wrong. And how it effects your hormones differs from woman to woman. Just because your friend got lucky doesn't mean it doesn't make other women complete emotional wrecks. I hardly think saying "damn tacos" is cussing her bf out either. And as I said, most men are happy to run around after their partners if they are carrying their child. 9 months of pregnancy is not easy in general.

This is what happens when you're not married first. YDI.

Like I also said earlier....there has to be more than this one time she's been rude, if it was enough to make him postpone his proposal for a few more YEARS. My guess is that she says those sorts of things on a fairly regular basis. And there is NO excuse for being a bitch on a regular basis. There is, of course, always the scenario that her husband-to-be really was a spineless weakling who backed out at the first sign of a less-than-perfect wife, but that's really...out there. Most men (or at least I'd HOPE most men) are a bit more grounded than that. Snapping occasionally because of stress or hormones or anger...sure. Everyone does it. But snapping bad enough and often enough to make a man think twice about marriage? Eeeek.