By tayluh26 - 15/02/2010 05:03 - United States

Today, I found out that my fiancé's parents are refusing to pay for a honeymoon, because they "didn't have one, so neither will we", meaning they won't pay for a single thing for our wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 660
You deserved it 16 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why don't you save and pay for it yourselves? That IS an option, you kno.

TrekkieGirl 0

Agreed with the previous postings. Honestly, if you're old enough to be getting married, then you should be able to afford to pay for the wedding and the honeymoon. If you can't afford it, then you need to figure something out. It's not the parents responsibility, it's yours. YDI for not planning ahead.


I really hope they're not coming to the weddig bc that's just ******* stupid. your parent should be happy to give you to someone else.

Actually, traditionally the GROOM pays for the honeymoon, not the parents. Grow up. YtotallyDI.

ummm nobody has to pay for ur stuff. if ur so grown up to get married be grown up to pay for ur honey moon as well.

boo f-ing hoo. the sense of entitlement of some people just astounds me. you want a big lavish party for your wedding? pay for it yourself. and be happy you can legally GET married. when my husband and I moved in together, gay marriage was illegal everywhere and nobody rewarded us with so much as a toaster. what a selfish crybaby you are. hope he dumps your whiney ass before making the mistake of marrying you.

You should be expected to pay for your own wedding. HOWEVER, they are being jerks for basically saying "because I didn't get something years ago I'm going to make you suffer now." You shouldn't have even asked them to pay, but that didn't have to be their response. So this is kind of FYL and YDI at the same time.

baby_val 0

They don't owe you jack shit for a wedding OR a honeymoon. My husband and I paid for our OWN wedding and honeymoon. YDI for being so arrogant as to assume other people would be paying for YOUR wedding.

Mabster84 2

Here's a clue, if you can't pay for something yourself DON'T GET IT.... But I suppose you'll be another Obama cry baby case. Just put it all on credit cards like you'll probably do and then when you buy a house (that you can't afford) and don't pay your mortgage, you'll have the rest of us pay your that and your demon spawn that'll grow up thinking the rest of us should pay for them too. Like Judge Judy says "Everyone's at 'It's not my fault - It's not my responsibility' And it's gotta stop!" Pay for your own shit. You should have saved up to pay most of it off by the time you got married anyway. It's not like you didn't know well in advance that you were getting married....

Wow, way to try and drag politics into this when they clearly have no place. Besides, I know a HELL of a lot more dumbass Republican bitches who feel entitled to everything under the sun than I do Democrats. They're also typically from rich Republican families so they think they should get anything they ask for.

Mabster84 2

Wow, way to bring sides to this, which is funny because I didn't. I said Obama and suddenly there's a democrat to defend him, WHAT A SHOCK... Why don't you pick up a newspaper once and a while.. There's no difference between a rich republican who expects mommy and daddy to take care of them, and a welfare class democrat who expects Obama to take care of them. Grow the **** up and realize how ignorant you really are...

You are getting married not them. You are grown ups not entitled to anything. Pay for you're own damn honeymoon.