By BabyDaddy - 30/05/2010 08:05 - Australia

Today, I found out that my girlfriend of five months is pregnant. Apparently, she stopped taking her pill two months ago because "we" wanted a baby. I don't recall ever having that discussion with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 733
You deserved it 9 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

So your girlfriend is a crazy psycho bitch, no big deal right?

flcl2 2

what a bitch, she wanted to trap you into a relationship by getting herself knocked up. jeez, this is EVERY guys worse fear, that their girlfriend would do this. that's why you gotta wrap it up man, even If it doesn't feel as good, or ***** like this will keep you from being with the girl you really want.


Q: What do you call a guy who leaves all the contraception up to a girl he barely knows? A: Dad.

Wow that sucks...what a bitch for doing that, if you didn't have that conversation, FYL. However, you should also use condoms just in case...the pill alone isn't always a guarantee.

Neither's a condom. No method is 100% guaranteed to work, even together.

That freaking SUCKS... why isn't there a law against this kind of thing? OP's gf deserves a beating.

monnanon 13

Two months is very quick for the pill to wear off but it depends how long she was taking it beforehand. She must only be a few weeks gone and if she knows that early on it proves once again how desperate she was to have a kid. Its horrible that she did that to you and even worse that a kid is going to be brought into the world because its dipshit of a mother decided to trick its dad. If it is yours (which i would check) then try not to hate the kid when it is born, its not the babies fault. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you you should be in the babies life because it was forced upon you and thats a decision you will have to make later on, you might not even get the choice. I can see her being one of those women who will shout to everyone about how she doesnt need a man and her baby needs no daddy. Shes been decietful once, watch out for what she pulls next.

Well I mean, think about it. Out of the 5 months they were together, she took the pills for 3 months. If it had been a year of her being on the pill, and got pregnant at the month after she stopped, then yes it would be quick. But I'm just saying--doctor's usually recommend a long-term (pregancy) pill taker, to wait at least 6 months before gettin pregnant. But them again, who knows.

monnanon 13

thats what i was basing it on was the 6 months, it took my body 8 months to get back into baby production after coming off the pill. Some people can fall pregnant the month after tho so it is a possibility i was just thinking OP should be very carefull :)

why is it the gf 100% responsible for all birth control? dude should have also used a condom.

All of this could have been avoided if she would have just taken it in the pooper. There's no way she can have a butt baby.

mcmurdy1980 0

131, you may be the exeption that proves the rule. child support is the new walfare. it use to be woman would pop out babies and get more money for each child. I am not sure how it works in op's country. anyway, now walfare does not do that. the new medthod is trapping guys, getting them to pay money per child. it would be worse if he married her.this is why you will see women with diffrent babies daddys. it's sad. they did a study in the op's country. they found that of the paternity test done 25% of suspected fathers were not. they concluded that the number could be higher with the rest of the people who do not take the test. my point is women are lying and trapping. mind you, not all woman are doing it , but a min of 25% are.

rohosoccer08 1

well my childrens dad and I got married and were together for 2 years and planning on getting married before we got pregnant, we just moved the wedding date up a few months.

This nullifies several of your previous arguements. You claim that your child was a bit of a "mistake" to argue your opinion that not all mistakes end poorly, but your situation is actually very different from the OP's. The OP was manipulated by his girlfriend, whereas you were originaly intending to marry your childs' father. I am quite certain that the OP's relationship is in much worse state-- in no condition to foster a child. Please consider your situation and it's differences from the OP's before using it as evidence in favor of keeping the child. That said, I am glad your decision to keep your children has ended favourably, and I hope the OP's ends up just as well (whether he raises the child or not).

well you did it so man up dude. nothing else u can do bout that.

I agree with 45. The world is overpopulated right now, she should get an abortion. If you really want a kid adopt one instead of add on to the world. You could change a poor little kid's life. But that's just my oppinion, so don't bitch at me if you don't agree.