By no life to fuck :/ - 30/08/2013 23:37 - United States - Berkeley

Today, I found out that my grandma is a well-loved member of a notorious biker gang. Meanwhile, I'm a 32-year-old, single, minimum-wage nobody with no friends to speak of. She's probably getting more action than I ever will. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 715
You deserved it 6 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Why are you thinking about your grandma having sex?

Ask to join her posse. Meet some new people


Anyb0dyTh 8

Why do you care? First of all that's disgusting that an old woman is still drinking and partying. Second of all you can have any kind of life you want if you go out and build it. But seriously hoping your dreams are bigger and better than your grandmothers! Wtf? Ydi! Cheers. Go build your future!

Mademoiselle_fml 34

I came to the comments just to say the same thing (as Alan). How is it disgusting that OP's grandma is having fun? Older people have just as much right to drink and party as younger people do, if not more.

I think we found the real life Napoleon Dynamite :D

I fail to see why you would want to be a criminal... You can get a better job, you cannot however, get rid of racketeering convictions...